Memorable Mutterings of PM Lee Hsien Loong
[ Two renown publications, The Economist and Financial Times, have confirmed that Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong as the "World's Highest-Paid Politician" ]
(1) PM Lee Hsien Loong at 2006 GE rally (CNA 3 May 06):
“Right now we have Low Thia Khiang, Chiam See Tong, Steve Chia. We can deal with them. Suppose you had 10, 15, 20 opposition members in Parliament.
Instead of spending my time thinking what is the right policy for Singapore, I’m going to spend all my time thinking what’s the right way to fix them, to buy my supporters votes, how can I solve this week’s problem and forget about next year’s challenges?”
How come, in other First World countries, other politicians (who are not paid million-dollar salaries!) can easily deal with several dozens of opposition politicians ???
Is he trying to say that “buy votes” (pork barrel politics) and “fix opposition” (election gerrymandering) are the cornerstones of their “whiter-than-white/holier-than-thou” PAP Virgin-pure Values of Honesty and Integrity?
(2) PM Lee Hsien Loong in 2006 National Day Rally speech:
His ”mee siam mai hum” (mee siam WITHOUT COCKLES) remark — which was quickly circulated like wildfire on the Internet.
S’PORE VOTERS say: (in Singlish)
Aiyah! Aiyoh! Alamak!
Mee Siam where got COCKLES, lah!
World’s Highest-Paid Politician so OUT-OF-TOUCH, meh?
No wonder life under PAP Gabra-men so very “hsien”, leh!
(3) PM Lee Hsien Loong (ST 14 Nov 06):
” Singaporeans are so very lucky to enjoy a high-quality but cheap government and a First-Class Public Service.”
We strongly resent politicians who continually treat us like 6-year old PAP Foundation kindergarten kids and insult our intelligence with their spurious arguments and infantile logic.
Considering the numerous never-ending PAP Fiasco after Fiasco, the correct version should be ”a highly-paid but cheap-quality government” !!!
(4) PM Lee Hsien Loong (ST 20 May 07):
“ No society can survive, let alone prosper, if its PEOPLE are concerned only with pursuing material wealth.”
Once again, the correct version should be “if its POLITICIANS are concerned only with pursuing material wealth”
Especially after “bull-dozing” through Parliament and “arm-twisting” the People to pay themselves obscenely-humongous million-dollar BASIC PAY; million-dollar INCREMENT; million-dollar BONUS and topped by million-dollar PENSION !!!
(5) PM Lee Hsien Loong (CNA 19 Jul 07):
“We must not lose sight of the core values which underpin and provide the MORAL COMPASS for our healthcare community.
VALUES built up over many years, such as caring and compassionate service to patients and striving for the highest standards of PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE, must never be diluted or lost in the midst of change or IN THE PURSUIT OF INCOME.”
Of All People, the World’s Highest-Paid Politician and Singapore Prime Minister trying to PREACH on the need for “moral compass and professional excellence” in “the pursuit of income” !!!
Yet Another PAP Political Sick Joke !
(6) PM Lee Hsien Loong (CNA 5 May 2005):
“…..we can always do BETTER if we try HARDER. We ALWAYS MUST try HARDER.
Don’t just do NATO (No Action,Talk Only)…..”
(7) At the recent Singapore International Water Week, PM Lee Hsien Loong was obviously trying to impress his international audience:
“… He (PM Lee) said REAL CHANGE will come about only if these regional governments have the POLITICAL WILL to act…” (CNA 5 Jul 2011)
In May 2005 (six years ago), Philip Yeo generated widespread public anger when he used defamation legal threats on a 23-year old former PSC scholar.
It is most unbecoming of a mere bureaucrat like Philip Yeo to use public funds for such a petty and personal purpose.
Way back then, WHY did PM Lee not exercise the “political will” and “political leadership” (as rightly expected by S’pore Voters) to have Philip Yeo ”sacked on the spot” ???
NO MAN IS INDISPENSABLE, not even Lee Kuan Yew (much less a mere Bureaucrat like Philip Yeo) !!!
And now, with Philip Yeo at age 65 (way past the official retirement age of 62), WHY is PM Lee “still sheltering” Philip Yeo behind the long-winded fanciful title of “Special Adviser for Economic Development in the Prime Minister’s Office” and allowing him “to live off taxpayers” ???
Why not the shorter version of “EMERITUS Big-mouth Bureaucrat” ???
Similarly, WHY did PM Lee — instead of “booting off” the following PAP Terrible Trio from the Cabinet — so “generously” allowed all three to “retire from the Cabinet” (face-saving words) and thus to remain as MPs in order for them “to live off taxpayers” to the tune of S$1 million* PER PERSON over their 5-year MP term (on top of collecting million-dollar PENSION):
[*MP Allowance = $15,000 per month = around $1 million for 5-year term ]
– Wong Kan Seng (monumental screw-up: Mas Selamat Great Escape Saga)
– Mah Bow Tan (monumental screw-up: sky-rocketing HDB flat prices)
– Raymond Lim (monumental screw-up: jam-packed public transport)
David L K See
2) cover up the loses by TT & H. jinx (botht belong to familee) through increase CPF limit and withdrawal age
3) Grow and produce ‘halal pork’ to buy over malay voters
4) Increase population to create havoc, crimes in Singapore to make Singaporean wake up to think he is indispensable. (But it’s backfire, Singaporean wake up to find such a useless PM they have)
My fellow Singaporeans, mark my words, its the dud ministers and the other lesser ball carriers of the MIW are really going to screw up this country with their idiotic plans and appalling blunders.