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Saturday, 10 September 2011



Read Also : Is Population Growth a Ponzi Scheme? :

Anthony Browne
Only politicians, obsessed with power and prestige.
The rest of us, particularly the workers, would be better off.
It's been a part of the ebb and flow of human society since we raised ourselves up on our two hind legs.

But now, after an almost total absence since the industrial revolution, it's threatening to come back with a vengeance across the western world. And we don't like it one little bit.

After 200 years of continuous rapid population growth, there is little that inspires as much panic from political leaders, big business and right-wing populists as the prospect of population decline-which is imminent, according to the UN, in more than 60 countries.
Some countries, such as Japan, Russia and the Baltic states, have already fallen into the abyss. Italy's population and Germany's are shored up only by immigration. The recent British census showed population decline in Scotland and parts of northern England. Across the UK as a whole, it could start as soon as 2020. 

In Scotland, as elsewhere, population decline prompted two predictable responses. On the one hand, the Scottish National Party MSP Alex Neil urged tax breaks to encourage couples to "conceive for Scotland." 

On the other, the Scottish Executive told people to prepare for more immigration. The First Minister, Jack McConnell, told the Institute of Directors: "For a growing economy, we need a growing population, and I am determined to see us focus policy and promote Scotland to meet that objective."

Yet the rational response is the one you never hear publicly: "Don't panic, let the numbers fall. It will be good for us."

Population decline drums up visions of collapsing markets, permanent recessions, devastated communities, bankrupt pension funds and decrepit wrinklies with no young to replenish and support them. All this might indeed come to pass if population decline were rapid. 
A gradual population decline would be a different matter. The environmental benefits are obvious-fewer cars, fewer houses, more wilderness. But population decline could also empower workers, raise the status of the socially marginalized, reduce inequalities and eradicate poverty. 

It will not make Britain poorer, as the politicians fear, but wealthier. 

From British universities to Japanese think-tanks, the benefits of slow population decline are being increasingly studied and promoted. But this new thinking has yet to reach the echelons of elected politicians.

Population decline is usually associated with economic decline, political turmoil, famine and disease-but that is not because it causes them, rather because it is caused by them. 

Declining economies lead people to leave in search of opportunities elsewhere-a quarter of the population of Europe's poorest country, Moldova, have emigrated since the collapse of communism. 

HIV in some African countries may throw previously prodigious population growth rates into reverse, just as the Black Death wiped out a third of the population of Britain. Devastating climate change eliminated the medieval Greenland colonies. Potato blight shrunk the population of Ireland from eight million to four million through famine and emigration.

For millennia, when humanity was not the author of its own destiny, population went up and down with the rise and fall of human fortunes. Good times led to a growing population, bad times to a declining one. Now, for the first time in history, we are faced with a decline caused not by bad times but by good times. Now it is affluence, not poverty, that leads to falling numbers.

But if the causes are benign, what about the consequences? If the decline in the number of people is slower than the natural growth in productivity (or output per person), then the economy will still grow. 

For example, a modest population decline of 0.25% a year would reduce Britain's economic growth rate of 2.25% to just 2% a year. That's hardly a recession. The number of consumers may decline, but the growth in incomes-and export markets-will ensure that demand stays buoyant. Nor will there be a demographic crisis, with huge numbers of old people overburdening those of working age. 

Population decline also leaves fewer children to support, train and educate for the first 20 economically unproductive years of their lives. 

The dependency ratio of workers to non-workers is virtually unaffected whether the population is growing 0.25% a year or falling 0.25%. 

Adjustments to an ageing society - discouraging early retirement, moving from pay-as-you-go to funded pensions - will be necessary in any case.

However, a declining population-and this is why businesses fear it-will involve a gradual but significant redistribution of power from the owners of capital to the owners of labor. 

A declining workforce puts those who work in a far stronger position-and for those marginalized in the workforce, it can have a very dramatic effect. Companies will be forced to train the unskilled, provide family-friendly policies to retain women and to entice the elderly to stay on rather than forcing them out. People who own properties will have to rent them out at lower rates, while those who rent can choose bigger places to live.

The dramatic and beneficial effects of this transfer of power from the owners of productive assets to the owners of labor-from the employers to the employed-were seen after the Black Death, which cut the population by a third, led to the collapse of feudalism and heralded the "golden age of peasants." 

Landowners could no longer force the landless to work for them for free under the bonds of feudalism-the shortage of labor was such that the peasants could go elsewhere to get paid real wages. The deaths from the disease may have been devastating, but the lives of those left behind improved dramatically.

So what would life be like in a Britain with fewer people?

Imagine the M25 [highway] without traffic jams, imagine trains where you could always get seats. Imagine all the postwar tower blocks being knocked down, and trees planted in their stead. Imagine large houses, now divided into flats, becoming proper homes again. Imagine low-income people learning the joys of spare bedrooms, playrooms and studies.

The Green Party has long championed a smaller population in Britain, one of the most crowded islands in the world. 

The Optimum Population Trust, chaired by John Guillebaud, professor of family planning at University College London, argues passionately for letting the population of Britain decline naturally over the next 150 years to the level it was 100 years ago-30 million.                                                                                                                        "The case for lower populations both worldwide and in the UK is now irrefutable-the environment is suffering like there is no tomorrow," he said. "The prospect of population decline is a new feature which is worrying people, but it shouldn't."
Increasingly, economists and demographers agree. Bob Rowthorn, professor of economics at Cambridge University, said: "There are no credible arguments against gradual population decline." 

The Japan Center for Economic Research, after an extensive study, concluded: "The negative consequences of population decline can be avoided. An increasing scarcity of labor would stimulate the incentives for more efficient utilization of resources, shifting the economic growth pattern from the 'input-driven type' to that of 'gains in efficiency'."

In other words, instead of bluntly boosting the economy in a dumb way by boosting the population, you train everyone up and mechanize more-fewer people working more smartly. Scotland's problems are not that its population is falling, but that good people are leaving because the good jobs aren't there. 

Simply bringing in people does nothing to address the underlying problems. All the arguments against gradual population decline are based on false assumptions or on 19th-century-or even totalitarian-ways of thinking. Arguments about collapsing markets assume we live in a closed economy, whereas economies depend increasingly on international trade.

Studies by the OECD show there is no correlation between population size and GDP per capita. If big populations create wealth, then the world's most populous countries, China and India, would be the richest, not among the poorest. Many low-population countries, such as Norway and Switzerland, are very wealthy. 

Ireland, with only four million people, has overtaken Britain's 60 million in GDP per capita. By far the smallest member of the European Union, Luxembourg, is also by far the wealthiest.

Once, countries needed large populations for military strength in a hostile world: large numbers of people meant large armies. Women in Victorian Britain were urged to lie back and think of England so that they could help sustain an overstretched empire. Women in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany were urged to have babies to promote the power of their country. But with kill-by-satellite, large armies don't matter; with international peace treaties, being small no longer means being vulnerable.

Political leaders still like large populations because it enhances their prestige, and their negotiating power. Nowhere is this better seen than on a local level-for example, Quebec is promoting population growth as a form of demographic warfare against Anglophone Canada. Leaders of Midwestern US states with falling populations want to reverse the trend so they can become more important on the national stage.

The same is true on the international level. Canada has an explicit program of rapid population growth so that it can hold its own against its domineering neighbor. Australian leaders want more citizens so they can hold their own against the vast populations of India, China, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Will a Britain with just 30 million people be able to maintain its seat on the UN Security Council, or its influence in the EU? British politicians may care, but their voters would probably prefer larger houses, empty roads and more wilderness.

From Hitler and Stalin to Jack McConnell, you should never trust a politician who tries demographic engineering on his people. 

Instead of lying back and thinking of their country, women should think of their country and pop the Pill.

Anthony Browne is environment editor of the Times. 
This article first appeared in the New Statesman,                     November 4, 2002.
This article was quoted here:


  1. Johnny Jazz9 September 2011
    Is Population Growth a Ponzi Scheme?
    By Joseph Chamie
    Thursday, March 04, 2010
    The basic pitch of those promoting population growth is straightforward in its appeal: “More is better.” Joseph Chamie, who has spent a lifelong career as a demographer, including 12 years of service as the director of the United Nations Population Division, finds that more is not necessarily better.
  2. I totally understand but what about the aging population problem? Is it real? Or is it just another doom scenario drawn by the govt?

  3. Is the serious social problem like traffic congestion, lack of supportive facilities, rising costs of living and housing and tensions and conflicts, crimes due to importing of foreigners sufficiently compensated?
    The only way to solve the problems is to increase knowledge-based industries. Pull back some foreign investments in dubious banking and real estates from overseas to increase our knowledge-based jobs.
    IPS must justify its existence. Its opinions can be quite biased to protect its own vested interests in addition to the egoism of our one-man autocrat whose main purpose is to glorify his own superficial leadership claims.

  4. Norway is doing very well, but to be fair, Norway is not a good example.
    Petroleum, fish, hydropower, natural gas, minerals, lumber, u name it.
    any average player can play well when they are dealt a good hand.

  5. Who is this Govt trying to kid.
    They want immigrants to contribute towards upping GDP Growth, so that their high pay packet could be sustained or increased.
    They want immigrants/new citizens to increase so that their percentage vote during GE could make up for the shortfall of true blue citizens’ rejection of their Party.
    Why still try the noble high ground to legitimate the need to open foreigner floodgate again.
    Research figures from the ISP could be manipulated to foster fear mongering. Anyway, ISP is their own people, a tool for PAP’s political Agenda.
    So, who is this govt kidding?

  6. population growth solves many problems and has many benefits,
    to specific group of ppl ONLY.

  7. Titiana Ann Xavier10 September 2011
    There is an interesting article entitled “Detroit’s Depopulation and Resurgence” published in Population Press. Detroit was described as the fastest-growing city in the world but today about one-third of it has fallen into ruin. How it rejuvenates itself is worth reading about. Singapore can make use of some of the ideas mentioned. It will help to remove some irrational fear of having a declining population.

  8. While immigration should not be the only solution, the concern for a population that declines is real.
    The workforce dwindles and human capital is lessened while demands on healthcare increased. It is very real and also one of thecreasons for China’s push and rapid modernization before it’s population ages.
    The contents of this article does not provide convincing reasons for one not to be concerned. Likewise, the importation of foreign talent without increased attention to improve the skills and competiveness of the locals miss the point. Efforts are made now for education but more may need to be done given the unquie characteristics of Singapore.
    The general statements of the leaders don’t help, nor do their refusal to re-examine the policies which is already showing signs of cracks. Except for 2010, the last few years have seen productivity in decline and is also the subject of Wikileaks and discussions in 2009. The Devil in declining productivity have not disappeared.
    I do not have the numbers but it does appear that the money spent on betting on star researchers and portfolio investments is substantial without attendant benefits to the people in terms of improved skills or employment.
    Thus I am afraid of the decline in population but more scared if the Elites principal reason to address this is through importation.

  9. Ever watched contagion? It gives us an idea of how screwed up we will be if there is an epidemic, given our widespread globalised flow of people and super crowded city. Problems like panic, lack of food, water, diesease spreading will be much more serious if it occurs in a crowded place like singapore. That is one obvious problem with having too many people in a small island.

  10. Robert Nozick10 September 2011
    Population growth is fine but why is PAP targetting India and China as the 2 main sources? What quality assurance checks are there to prevent garbage from flooding in? As already it is, there are so many from the sub-continent here and these have brought in their undesirable caste mentality and arrogance.

  11. doppelganger10 September 2011
    I have always suspected that the mad rush to increase our population by indiscriminate immigration is an unsound strategy for our economic wellbeing. Here we have an article pointing out that GDP does not vary directly as the size of the population. Of course the matter is not confirmed by just one article. We must find more evidence. However and this point is very serious, if indeed population size does not produce wealth and well being for the bulk of the population, then we have been destroyed by this regime’s forced pumping of people into Singapore. Their aggressive intake of two million people, a good percentage of whom are made PR and citizens, cannot be reversed. Thus we have given up our limited land and space for nothing, indeed for a negative good. LKY and his cohorts in their program of self aggrandizement have irretrievably diminished the country. We shall have to stop this erosion of our country to the mad onslaught of foreign bodies before it is too late. Already I think it is late. The damage has been done.The damage cannot be reversed.

  12. I have said we Singapore as a very small country should have modelled against Luxembourg here before on comment for another article. If we have done that, native born would have been wealthy and happiest people in South East Asia. We have all it take to be another Luxembourg in Asia where people are well educated with best education system in this region. Their GOV did not made their Citizen “asset rich” but cash poor, PAP is driven by this mindset to make Singaporean work like slaves for entire life. I do not understand why we have to bring into Singapore fake telents from China and India to corrupt the good system our older generation had laid for us.
    Many people do not understand that CPF is a SUPER LONG TERM “SAVING” that would never beat or win infraction unless it gives super high interest return. We loan it to GOV, they use it now, while we wait till retirement to use our own money, we are losing to time and opportunities during the period. Depending on cashflow or money velocity, the GOV/GIC/TH could have turn it a few folds if fund managers were good, good profit that they pay themselves first, their cost is only 2.5% per year to play our money, win they keep, loss we bare,simple as that, worst that they will never tell us we are lossing.

  13. Population has no corelation with GDP per capita. However, I think a declining population in time due to an ageing population will be a real problem.
    Immigration is a viable solution, but I guess we should also see the type of people we are bringing in.

  14. The author of this thread appears to ignore the fact that Singapore exists because of quality human talent (local and foreign) and if population ages and shrinks steadily, this will have a major impact on our ability to attract talent.
    Initially we may see per capita income at levels similar to those of years gone by. But it wouldn’t stay that way for long. We would likely enter a period of slow and sure decay.

  15. Singapore population is predicted 500,000 decrease to 3.04 mill from 3.65 mill which is still subject to scrutiny. IPS of Singapore filled with cronies and ankat bodeks are not GOSPELS. So what if we have a reduction. One old for every eight young will be reduced to one old for every seven young. Now you must read in between the lines. What age is considered old and what age is considered young? MSM had been used in the past to feed us with selected information to support PAPIGS views. If anything goes wrong million dollar PAPIGS will say they are still in the learning process. When a shiver runs down their spine of losing power they will say sorry. Since another 5 years is long long away they are singing the same tune with a certain refinement. That is convince, blow trumpet, and pretend to listen.

  16. The problem before the TFR is that
    Becos of this , i feel that the decision to influx at this rate was taken DRASTICALLY .
    To sound diplomatic n politically correct i would say
    Now, let me go f myself….

  17. Hypocrites In White10 September 2011
    Just see the quality of ‘F’ types the pap brings in, what we get will be more crimes, more prostitutes, mor beggars, more con-men, more galang guni men.
    Nobody is afraid of declining population, its only the hypocrites in white that they fear fewer people means lesser votes for them to stay in power.
    We note they had never denied the idea of more people means more votes for them.

  18. False Allegation10 September 2011
    SORRY. All faith and trust are lost.
    Clear seems to be murky.
    Murky seems to be clear.
    Simply false allegation.

  19. One part of the immigration rationale we have not seen is the huge internal debt.
    Like any debt, the internal debt has to be repaid, it is not free money. In this case it is the money of the people(CPF).
    One way to delay repayment is to raise the minimum sum but it is a short fix. Raise the minimum fund even further and the political repercussions would be felt in the future.
    The alternative to fund this internal debt is to make sure there is enough young people working so that their contribution to the CPF can be used to repay the internal debt. It is sort of like using one credit card to pay off another credit card debt. A ponzi scheme worth billions of dollars. Ponzi scheme is not so bad in the short run as it gives you good return on your investment but it will collapse when it needs to repay its investors in the long run.
    Thus the need to import people. The sad thing is the people imported fail to see that in 30 years time, the same s**t happening to us will happen to them. A cosmic retribution
  20. Population growth to achieve faster GDP growth is a Ponzi scheme that will ultimately crash. 

    In the short run it benefits a small group of people (less than 20%), but bring pains to at least 80% of the people. What are the pains? Falling real wages, higher cost of living, congestion everywhere, air and noise pollution, higher cost of housing, postponement of marriage and child bearing, etc.
  21. hey, the inflow has to be greater than the out flow, reason why our homes are getting smaller but costlier and why so many are sending back S$ home, including the ladies of the night, all colors.
    the reason why casino are needed, to con them, less $$ remitted, as pr’s required to pay $100.
    the reaosn why all telcos and business can be taxed heavily in gst, service charges, rentals and ft oops, slave must pay levies.
    the reason why mrt can make more money, quantity, not quality, so that ALL our temasek shares can rise and rise, not arise, mind you.
    that is why, lky always kills off private enterprise for these, to steal, rob, con, EVERY CENT you have, cpf, gst, wages, and all un-name loop incomes.
    the reason why the old are to sell flats to keep themselves alive with the funds gain, no cost for the gov and lky, but millions in pension for themselves, including nathan, and now tt,
  22. Robert Nozick 10 September 2011
    Population growth is fine but why is PAP targetting India and China as the 2 main sources? What quality assurance checks are there to prevent garbage from flooding in?
    1. Politically – People from India & China find Singapore a wonderful place to live. Give them citizenship, they eternally grateful to PAP govt & vote for them.
    2. Economically – Easy flow of people from China & India to Singapore, in exchange for better market access for our GLCs & private companies in those countries. China & India continue to have laws, explicit or implicit, that benefit their own companies in their home markets. In short, we are letting their people come over here, but we are not benefiting much from improved market access to China & India. There are some Singapore companies that are successful in those markets, but very few.

  23. We need more migrants so our public facilities usage can be maximized and PAP membership can be increased. That is the foresight of our founding father LKY.

  24. In the grand scheme of things, MM Lee is correct. We are still a young nation of 46 years. We don’t have a real culture or identity. Inviting immigrants & creating a more cosmopolitan society is a good way of doing that. We should welcome with open arms immigrants from all countries, be it China, India, Indonesia, USA, Egypt, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ukraine, Romania. In this way, we can surpass London as being the most global city in the world, and as MM Lee says, we can punch above our weight.

  25. “Yet in all societies, even those that are most vicious, the tendency to a virtuous attachment is so strong that there is a constant effort towards an increase of population. This constant effort as constantly tends to subject the lower classes of the society to distress and to prevent any great permanent amelioration of their condition”.
    —Malthus T.R. 1798. An essay on the principle of population.

  26. Alvin Chua10 September 2011
    In the grand scheme of things, MM Lee is correct. We are still a young nation of 46 years. We don’t have a real culture or identity. Inviting immigrants & creating a more cosmopolitan society is a good way of doing tha
    the way you talk is not liked you know what talkin you
    ^WE^ don’t hav aq culture simply because leekingyou forbade us to hav a culture
    and we need foreigners to teach us the art of cultures? what the FART did you go to uni for? just to meet fellow nerds and gays liked steven kho perhaps?
    and steven kho..what you need is to get a FART either from your filipino maid or within your family..

  27. In this world, everywhere is facing population declined not only Singapore. There is nothing to connect Population declined with the growth of Singapore.
    As you can see our govt had allowed so many PRC people to Singapore, what had happened???
    The population doesn’t really need these PRC people here! They are not all going to doing good for Singapore. In fact you can see there are many police cases all bind with PRC people.
    We are not saying that all PRC people are bad but the fact is we are facing too many nonsense from the new comers from the PRC.
    Example the Curry case, that is really nonsense to ask the Indian family to stop cooking curry, if that PRC people cannot take it than don’t come to Singapore go Hong Kong or else where where there are no curry.
    We Singaporeans likes curry very much, I am a Chinese but I almost eat curry everyday, there is nothing wrong with curry nor there is anything wrong with Indians’ family.
    We all are Singaporeans we are all united as one nation, one people one Singapore, am I correct that is what our Govt said right???

  28. @ Allien
    Are you sure you eat curry everyday? Wow. Then you and Titiana Ann Xavier are the same. She eats curry everyday too.
    Hello Titiana, are you peeping? :)

  29. The first step is acknowledging the mistake of their policy, two is enough. Second step is looking at developing the talent of our own citizens. Spend more money on our own children then millions of dollars on scholarships n citizenships for foreign scholars. Thirdly what is quality of living in context of overcrowding. Lastly what’s the turnover of new citizens? How many have already left?

  30. @Allien
    Are you sure evrywhere birth population declining? Read
    Get your facts right first before you have any conclusion. You may want count how many countries above Singapore.

  31. Laughing at pap pies10 September 2011
    The pap pies won’t fix the problem of low birth seriously by MODERATING cost of living.
    They will just mass import ft

  32. Right from the start we should’ve embarked on forging a Singaporean culture, identity and nation. We had a good start. We inherited good institutions from the British, e.g. a good education system, a good constitution, a good legal system, etc. We all spoke English as that was the language of commerce, industry and science, and we all got used to having Ah Beng, Ali and Muthu for friends. We should have emphasized English as the lingua franca, and over time, a Singapore culture would have evolved.
    Now, as I go into the streets, I can hear a cacophony of different tongues. The true blue Singaporean is becoming a rarity. Very soon he will be drowned out, and we may find Filipino rights group, Indian rights group, Chinese rights group, Malay rights group all trying to make their presence felt. Where is the future for Singapore, except down the drain? There is no more pride and nationalism.

  33. The biggest problem is how many, what kind of people, can we let them leave after we take them and How ??
    When can we let new citizen vote and become MP ??
    Should the male go through some kind of NS ??
    All these have to put on the table, examed by all singaporeans, not only the so called Elites.

  34. We should be grateful to migrants because they create jobs and add new cultures to Singapore. LKY is wise to welcome migrants.

  35. I can’t understand why bringing in people is to support the aging population. We locals are directly responsible for taking care of our parents, by diminishing our capability due to unfair competition, we have more difficulties. By common logic, no one will willingly look after strangers. ofcourse those that do have a virtue that is compassion, kindness, but I really feel that a large portion of population will look after themselves more likely than they will look after a stranger.The gov probably talking about a broad sense, but on the ground level, they are depriving us the capability. The PR neighbour isn’t going to the home to help oldman get to hospital, got to work.The oldman didn’t have kids because he can’t due to economic circumstances.
    The propagada machine is going strong. Radio chinese station yesterday invited some foreign borned experts to dish Singaporean thinking about this topic, and new chinese TV drama is going to do the same, and we can laugh over it.

  36. doppelganger10 September 2011
    @Libran, I agree with you that we may have squandered our birthright by trusting politicians to do the right thing.I have always felt discomfort about the utility of bringing in millions of foreigners as working units to maximize the GDP. As this mad rush of people came in at full blast over the past five years, we find that the indigenous population are having problems to survive. Students fresh out of university take several years to find their first jobs, middle aged professionals have their progress curtailed and even manual labour like cleaning tables and sweeping became hard to get. This is because the Government practized indiscriminate immigration based only on price. Thus at every level of activity there is a price lower than what is paid to the indigenous. So the indigenous is elbowed out in his own country. The Government explained away our predicament by globalization arguments. The most stupid is that labour anywhere overseas is better dealt with when he is in Singapore itself, so we better bring him in, pronto. It turns out that Singaporeans had to endure congestion, homelessness,crippling joblessness with no benefit beyond receiving payout from the Government as in ‘workfare’. All over the middle east Arab rulers are also throwing money at their people so as to stay in control. We have found confirmation from economic literature that expanding population by immigration is a Ponzi scheme, meaning that it has serious problems for the indigenous population who will have to hold the fort when the schemers disappear with their profits. Meanwhile the Ponzi scheme deprives the citizenry day by day.
    LKY should pause at this stage and consider whether he has the right to disembowel Singapore so that he and his cohorts can continue to enrich themselves as the controller of the Ponzi scheme initiated some 5 years ago. Maybe even earlier when they first hit upon the concept that Ministerial salaries should be embedded into the Ponzi scheme.

  37. i dont take the stastics too seriously. dont let the gahment infill fears again and again. generally, people tend and would love to have not only one but two minimum or even three kids once they decided to settle down. it is the policies that side track and created unbalance life situation caught up with high cost of living and influx fts and immigrants. i see that gahment has his own agenda that nly benefits their high exhorbitant salary so as the rich elites as well. the peasants so called singaporean and teh new immigrants will have to live with it struggling thru.
    singaporean generally are pathetic and hatred feeling of many policies gone wrong and gahment so far only provide lip service. as what lhl said on shit tims yesterday, let hope that he keeps up to his words and take actions rather being known as NATO. it not, thing wil gets bad but worse.

  38. @doppelganger,
    Lee Kuan Yew’s propaganda machine has been so good over the years, and refined to such an art that we true blue Singaporeans have fallen for his erroneous policies hook, line and sinker.

  39. The following letter-writer has more brains than the combined whole PAP Gang of LKY, LHL, GCT, Lim Swee Say, Yaacob Ibrahim, Vivian Balakrishnan, etc…:
    ST FORUM 9 Sep 2011
    I REFER to the various scenarios by the Institute of Policy Studies concerning the need to bring in different numbers of immigrants to counter the negative effects of an ageing population (‘Population will shrink without immigrants’; Thursday).
    The immigrants Singapore would give permanent resident status or citizenship to are likely to be highly educated professionals who are more focused on a career than starting a family, resulting in a low fertility rate.
    This quick fix of bringing in immigrants may just lead to a problem rearing its ugly head decades down the road, as this group of active working adults will eventually join the ranks of the golden age group, thereby compounding the negative effects of an ageing population.
    Singapore as a small island nation does not have the land and infrastructure to accommodate tens of thousands of new immigrants yearly and indefinitely.
    Solving the ageing population issue is a complex one and using economic growth as a benchmark of success and prosperity may not be accurate enough.
    We may have to think out of the box, using other indicators of happiness and tweaking policies to ensure that each citizen is able to take care of his own needs well, and possibly with some amount of state welfare.
    Edwin Lim

  40. ‘WHO’S AFRAID OF DECLINING POPULATION?’ Leaders. One cannot be a leader without followers!

  41. @DavidLKSee 10 September 2011
    The following letter-writer has more brains than the combined whole PAP Gang of LKY, LHL, GCT, Lim Swee Say, Yaacob Ibrahim, Vivian Balakrishnan, etc…:
    It’s not that they have less brains than the letter writer, but rather they’re cheating true blue Singaporeans of their birthright to a nation and a national identity, as what Doppelganger has written. Why are they doing this? Of course to enrich themselves in the short run. They’re running Singapore like Lehman Brothers, i.e. take all profits upfront, but leaving losses to future generations to bear. Of course we all know what happened to Lehman Brothers.

  42. Strength in numbers10 September 2011
    Complain for what? Have a family of 5 and vote for the type of govt policies you want. Definitely speak louder than a vote a 1. With all the FTs bringing in their families to vote, you sure will lose.
    When you are old, and single, you think ah gong is going to take care of you and listen to your 1 miserable vote? The FT’s family of 5 vote will speak lounder lah.

  43. We should all go to the root of the problem and Identify the root cause even after pay them millions of dollars

  44. I command yew to Fear, Respect and Love me because I dictate that yew do so. Hi, my name is yew10 September 2011
    A game like Democracy can be played 2 ways or more.
    1st way :
    Long long time ago, when polis wore khakis, All for Wan and Wan for All.
    Absolute Popularity.
    2nd way:
    De Mojo no workin no mo.
    Mo have woken up.
    Brain juice ran out.
    Monei lost bankorupt.
    Hums have grown big and juicy wealthier.
    Hums in management positions.
    Hums in untouchables.
    Hums with info that generates unimaginable wealth legally.
    Hums in the net more than the fallen out of the net.
    Just retain >= 51 % hums.
    This can last another 10 years easily.
    Add new hums, influxication, add another 10 years of Majorithum.
    Long Live Democracy!
    The Minority Hums shall always , i say Always be Denied as long as Majority hums are not your kind of hums.
    So simple, even a retard can understand.
    May your hum be thick , fat and juicy.
    Now, go f some spyder hum.

  45. A country that has negative growth is OK, provided it happens slowly. Ideally, you want a pyramid shape for the number of people in each age group, which the oldest the smallest group (at the apex). This allows the country’s working people to be able to support the older people and the younger children. This is especially important in Western countries where the social welfare system.
    However, what is happening in Europe is that the Total Fertility Rate has gone way down below replacement rate (2.1). As a result, may are in the vertical dumb-bell shape today, and soon will become an inverted pyramid. What will happen is that, in order to support such a system, the young will have to pay a lot more tax (already happening and getting worse), and the old will have benefits cut (soon to happen). The greying of Europe is a real problem.
    The TFR for countries at the bottom are Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. China’s 1 child policy will be a big problem in a few more decades.
    The opposite is also not good, where the population grows too quickly. The young people then will have too little jobs and over-crowding. This is true of many Islamic countries and India.

  46. ANG MOR countries are going to die off with men marrying men, and women marrying women.
    Anthony Browne is trying to put an ANG MOR spin. Good try.

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