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All Comments (66)
- I support Dawkins for this logical mind.
- I was actually depressed when I began to have doubts and lose my faith. Then, I found Dawkins. The beautiful way he speaks is so comforting. He made me realize that the mystery is so much more beautiful than false assurances. Thanks for helping me be free from the lies, Professor. Much love.
- Lastly, man knows how to live and get shelter, warmth, food etc. Who the hell cares if we have more brain function then that? WHat gave us that brain function? Needs answers not the basic, of the motory function just jumped to that brain function because that is strictly hypothesis
- @bluemoonrising26 first off dont breed? That is anti-evolution, secondly just because you cant and never will find a female species to be attracted to your ugliness doesnt mean you should try and tell others what to do
- @rememberthename33 most of them are multiple accounts of one user. Some are trolls but others are legitimate creationists, this are the ones with link to Intelligent Design websites.
- Your children would be better off dead than having to endure an incompetent fuckwitt like you for a parent.
- Please, please, PLEASE don't ever breed.
- @cgholds A lot of people care.
Religion is there to control, all religious people are slaves to their faith, slaves to rules that were made up so that the powerful could stay in power, so that they could rule over the fearful and the ignorant.Atheism, the realisation that we inhabit a (relatively) tiny fleck of rock orbiting an unimportant star floating in the immensity of the universe should be empowering, not something to shy away from. You are in control of your destiny, don't waste it. - I am honestly am so against richard dawkins because if God doesnt exist WHO THE FUCK CARES EXCEPT A STUPID NERD LIKE RICHARD DAWKINS
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