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Thursday, 30 June 2011

Richard Dawkins -- The God Delusion

Richard Dawkins -- The God Delusion

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Uploaded by  on May 8, 2007
The famous atheist views religion as absurd and pointless. He says God is not different from the tooth fairy.
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  • @kaimaster11 Richard Dawkins is an Athiest and believes in the Big bang and evoloution like nearly ALL Athiest. Of course there are totally ignorant who believe in literally nothing which makes their life is worthless because they believe they are just here. No logic.
  • @AllahKingOfUniverse That is the stupidest and least informed comment ive ever heard, your name tells me all i need to know about you. Are you so ignorant that you cant even tell the difference between, atheism, evolution and the Big Bang theory.
  • @AllahKingOfUniverse Indeed, to believe that this is all an accident requires faith in happenstance. To much order. To much interdependence of systems and life forms upon one another for this all to be a giant cosmic anomaly. I think atheist reject God because what they've been offered (religion) is unacceptable. Religions ask man to take the word of an individual who claims to have had contact with God.; That, in my opinion is were religion loses a lot of people. It certainly lost me.
  • @ananiasacts No, nothing specific, just the possibility that life exist somewhere else, but whether we've been visited is another issue altogether. Do you dismiss the possibility that we've been monitored by extraterrestrials?
  • @parsivalshorse No, thiests believe in a higher power that created the universe. Athiest belive the universe just started by chance which is very illogical.
  • Did anyone read the book " The Evolution of Dawkins Bank Account".
  • @coolguy98 no, it's called reality.
  • @coolguy98 Killing stealing and lying comes from poorness in a country and thats about policy not religion
  • I Believe Christianity has stopped many people from killing, stealing, lying, and has helped free slaves and feed the poor. Atheism is the true tragedy, as there is no point in not killing, stealing or lying, life is merely an accident and there is no hope, evil and good don't exist, only scientific truths, that is a Tragedy and a shame.
  • @AllahKingOfUniverse Thats hilarious - classic fundamentalist fuckwittery! Dude the 'everything came from nothing' is creationism - not Atheism. Atheism makes no statements about the origins of the Universe - it just means 'no-faith'. Magically arranging stuff is also the creationist view - nothing to do with how science sees the world.
  • @kaimaster11 There is no logic in Athiesm. It is the belief that there was nothing and nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason what so ever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs.
    Makes perfect sence.
  • lmaooooo he tried to reach for a handshake hahaaa 00:00
  • @PenguinsHaveRights When science says the gravitational potential energy of an object is MGH they can show it. When christians say that jesus fed a horde of people with a loaf and a fish they say that you must take that on faith. That's why they are different. whenever you go step 2 "and then a miracle happens that you will just have to take our word for" that doesn't get taught with the same value as science
  • @bastardoftheparty1, If you're asking me if I believe that aliens have visited earth, or seeded our solar system with what evolved into us, then no. But I think it's very likely that life exists in many places besides our planet. It's a very big universe and even though the requirements for life seem to require a great many fortuitous coincidences (like liquid water, strong magnetic field, extremely stable orbit, etc.) I still think the number of planets or moons that suffice is very large.
  • @kaimaster11, I can't tell what you're trying to say here. Is it that you feel that we're in for very troublesome time ahead? (Like a rapture?)
  • @ananiasacts If it turns out I'm right and your wrong it won't matter at all. I don't believe in sin or any hierarchy nor do I believe some cosmic entity is keeping score on our behavior. Do you believe in the possibility of aliens? Yes I'm changing the subject.
  • @ananiasacts Not at all angry or dishonest. Maybe all the talk about God did instill the idea, but I've always questioned what I was told. My own belief is contrary to the beliefs of my family. My entire family is religious and I'm not. Whatever is true we can't possibly know. But God as I understand him couldn't hold the lack of belief against you because I don't see God as some sort of being. For me God is more of a force that doesn't require any worship or ceremony It simply is.
  • 10 or 20 years in the future,
    when our children look at this video,
    they will be amazed that there were actually inteligent people around in our time that understood the un-denyable issues with religion, because in history texbooks,
    there will only be the political horors of the most fundimental in our time.
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