Make money by sitting at home

Thanks for your interest. You are just a few steps away from making money that you will ever dream for!!!
Before giving you any instructions to follow, I would like you to take a moment to read through the following information, so you can get a better picture of what we are trying to achieve for you!
Please remember, you MUST follow these instructions to the letter, that is the whole point of this system – any deviation, no matter how small or trivial can spell disaster! Do not even attempt anything in this package unless you can click where I tell you and bet where I tell you – that is how this system works. Please ensure that you read ALL THE WAY THROUGH this text BEFOREattempting ANY betting. It will not take long as is very important!
All of the odds on a Roulette table are based on the “law of averages” minus one or two points. This way, the Casino can only gain money from you playing the table. Until Now. We have blown away the stupid “Law of Averages” and turned it to the players’ advantage. Yes, surely the Casino will “Cotton on” eventually, but when is a different matter. If you think about it, how many people are there playing on on-line Casinos? You wouldn’t believe me if I told you! We are talking millions of people. Compare that to the number of people using the following system and it’ll be something like one in 3 million! Every Casino has an “Acceptable Loss”, therefore giving us all plenty of time to win some serious money before they change the gaming rules!
Now, for the details on my system:
Firstly, we have tried and tested numerous on-line Casinos, and come to realise the same as other ‘System Writers’ have – All systems work best in one particular Casino. For this reason, we seriously recommend that you only play this system at this Casino. Click below to download the software:
Once downloaded, you will need to transfer money into your Casino account. Please take note that this casino is located in Gilbraltar and Gilbraltar is one of the countries in Europe. You can deposit your money through bank telegraphic transfer or using Western Union. We advise that to make the most of our free betting system and transfer $200 (£107) to the account – don’t worry, you will be able to transfer it back out again within a few minutes! If this seems too much, then I recommend that you transfer no less than $100 (£53). Again, you will be able to withdraw your original deposit within a few minutes! (READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH THIS BEFORE DEPOSITING ANY MONEY)
Now, this system is based on betting on the Low/Middle/High fields ONLY. You simply bet on the same one, with only a slight rise in stake each time, until it wins. I know that some of you will be thinking “oh no, that sounds dangerous…” but please, read on…
These fields have a 1 in 3 chance of winning according to the “Law of Averages” and give a return of 2 to 1. By following our system, you only need 1 in 14 to be a winner! (Depending on your balance) This way, you have more than quadrupled the “Law of Averages” and given yourself an unbelievable advantage!
First of all, you will need to understand what these bets are:
1) This is a bet on “Low”. You win if any number from 1-12 (Inclusive) comes in.
1) This is a bet on “Low”. You win if any number from 1-12 (Inclusive) comes in.

2) This is a bet on “Middle”. You win if any number from 13-24 (Inclusive) comes in.

3) This is a bet on “High”. You win if any number from 25-36 (Inclusive) comes in.
If you follow instructions, you will gain between $1 and $3 for every winning number, regardless of how many losing ones you have had.

Now print off the attached spread sheet document, and keep it next to you, with a pen. The document looks something like this:

The idea with this is to keep a precise record of how the table you are betting on is ‘running’. There is no point in betting at random, so please, be accurate with this. What you need to do every time you spin the wheel, is record whether a ‘low’ (L) ‘middle’ (M) or ‘high’ (H) number drops in.
For example, if you are on a table and spin the wheel 10 times, and the following numbers drop in: 04, 11, 36, 14, 20, 25, 02, 33, 13, 16, your table would look like this:

When you begin to play roulette, DO NOT place ANY bets at all. Patience is the key now. Keep spinning the wheel and recording what numbers drop in on your table. What you are waiting for is a consecutive run where 1 of the sections of numbers has not come in for 5 spins.
What I mean is this – say the following numbers now drop into the above table: 32, 17. The table now looks like this:

A ‘low’ number (L) hasn’t dropped in for five consecutive spins. Its time to start betting!

I know that the gains do not appear to be a lot per bet, but as it is possible to lay up to about 70 bets in an hour, your money will soon add up. Think about it. I bet $70 (£36) an hour is a better wage than you are earning at the minute, and all it takes is a bit of time and discipline!
I realize that a few of you might be confused by this, but don’t worry, read through it again a few times and it will become clear.
That really is how simple this system is! But there is still more valuable information to be had…..
Please also remember, for the best chance of success, we only use one casino, it would appear that it is the best one for this system to work on.
Once again, you have to follow my instructions to the exact letter! Click where I say, and please use the exact same links, as otherwise this will not work!
Now you have the system to use, you will need money to use it - and why should you use your own? Follow my instructions to the letter, and bet for FREE!
What you need to do is simple;
1) Click on the link below to be taken to the casino site:
2) Download the software, install it, and then create an account:
3) Deposit money into your Casino On Net account. Make sure that your first deposit is as high as you can possibly manage – up to a limit of $200 – roughly £105 (although you can deposit ANY amount you want below $200, the choice is yours! To play the system above correctly I recommend you deposit $100, just over £50)
4) Once done, you will notice you have twice the amount you deposited in your on-line account! So if you deposited $200 you will have $400 in your on-line account!
5) Now deposit the original amount back into your bank account.
6) That’s it! You have your money back in your account and however much you deposited on your on-line account now you can bet WITHOUT RISKING A PENNY!
Thats all you have to do to get your money - and it really is that simple. The only way that things will go wrong is if you do not follow to the exact letter my instructions!
Finally – A last few pointers that should help you along the way…
1)Try not to spend more than 15-20 minutes at each table. I don’t know why, but after this amount of time, every table seems to get harder to play.
2)DO NOT GET GREEDY! That is the major downfall of most players. Set a target and stick to it. Once reached, walk away. A good target is around $400 a day.
3) Only ever bet what you can afford to lose. There is no point going bankrupt in a Casino!
4) Be disciplined. The most important. Stick to your rules!
Lastly, all the best and good luck!!!
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