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Saturday, 23 July 2011

Business as usual for PAP’s pro-foreigner policy

So YOU think he's decided to take a GOOD REST ??? 


Business as usual for PAP’s pro-foreigner policy

Looks like the PAP Government’s policy on foreign talent has been officially reiterated by LKY – it’ll be business as usual as far as the PAP Government’s pro-foreigner immigration policy is concerned.  This can only surely mean increasingly tougher times ahead for local born and bred Singaporeans.

Those Singaporeans who voted for the PAP in GE 2011 (foolishly thinking that the PAP Government will toughen up its immigration policy) can now kick themselves in the butt and repent.  
They have done themselves and their children a total disservice.  They will now have to more aggressively compete with the foreign talent.  Their children will also have to more aggressively compete with the children of the foreign talent.
Those Singaporeans who foolishly voted for the PAP in GE 2011 have now been reminded by LKY that they are not good enough and that they are not talented enough – and that’s why LKY prefers foreign talent. 
 If they are happy about what LKY has said, then they should have their heads checked.
The only option for those foolish voters is to patiently endure the increasing pain and to remember to switch their votes to the opposition in GE 2016.  They have to be smart and join the 40% who voted against the PAP.
The PAP Government’s obsession with being No. 1 in everything at double-quick time is clearly one of the reasons why it is also obsessed with opening the doors so widely to foreigners.  Such an obsession will look good on the PAP ministers’ resume.  But it’s the locally born and bred Singaporeans who will suffer.  The PAP Government (and LKY in particular) doesn’t seem to care about that.  They are only interested in nice-looking statistics and eye-popping wealth.
Many governments in the world also strive to be good in what they do.  But it seems that the PAP Government is uniquely and incomparably obsessed with the pursuit of excellence – to the point where the people’s interests have been disregarded.  
Yet, in this obsessive and relentless pursuit of excellence, the PAP Ministers must ask themselves whether we have truly arrived at the stage of excellence.  Or have we sacrificed heart, body and soul for nothing.  
The accummulation of wealth and more wealth (especially for the benefit of a small number of individuals) is definitely not an indication that we are a society of excellence.
There are many countries where the citizens comes first, where foreign immigration is controlled and restricted and where there is wealth accummulation – yet there is still so much creativity and innovation.  And the welfare of the citizens still take pole position.
New Zealand is a good example.  In terms of creativity and innovation, New Zealand definitely beats Singapore hands down – movie-making is just one of those areas where New Zealand excels in.  
New Zealand’s foreign immigration is controlled and restricted – only those foreigners who can truly contribute to the growth of the country are allowed to live in New Zealand – and they have to satisfy the stringent requirements of a transparent immigration policy.  
New Zealand’s welfare system is still very much a plus factor.  There’s free medical care and free education for New Zealand citizens and PRs.  In a country more well-known for its agricultural and tourism industries, there are rich folks who own huge tracts of land as well as many overseas investments.  Yet, poverty is absent in New Zealand.  New Zealand’s current Prime Minister, John Key, is a millionaire in his own right – but he accummulated his wealth as an investment banker before he came into politics.  In his present job, he earns just a fraction of what PM Lee earns – yet, he has a much tougher job than PM Lee.  
In a truly democratic country like New Zealand, politicians have a really hard time but are not well-paid – yet they strive to work hard for their voters.
So, if countries such as New Zealand can succeed in the pursuit of excellence at a humane pace and without relying on foreign talent, why can’t Singapore do so too?  
The only answer that I can think of is that the PAP Government wants Singapore to be No. 1 at double-quick or even triple-quick time.  It is only interested in quick-fix solutions – regardless of the cost to the people and the sacrifices that the people have to make.  
We are truly a people to be pitied.
PAP Wayang

14 Responses to “Business as usual for PAP’s pro-foreigner policy”

  • CB Old Fart:
    Old fart and his dogs wont learn nor change, they only think of enhancing their bottomlines. There is no such thing as welfare for Singaporeans. Thanks to 60% of fucking idiots, we’re going to be in deeper shit. This is terrible terrible news.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 136 Thumb down 0
  • nihon:
    the other day, i talk with a papigs’ dog, he barked, ’still have 1 000 000 fts not here yet!’ so there will be more fts.
    before election, emperor lky said we need another 900 000 fts; and he dare to tell us straight in the face, despite knowing singaporeans are so fed up with this failed policy. he just know he can count on 60% dafts.
    either he is sleeping or wilfully blind, how have the many fake talents contributed to singapore? other than voting for his cronies? it all to keep his dynasty.
    roll eyes; no more political sorry, just vote wisly, pls!
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 56 Thumb down 0
    Mr LKY , we are paying your son millions of dollars salary per year and yet we local citizens are getting this kind of treatment in return! So who are we? 2nd-class citizen? So,in this case, why should we pay our income tax every year where our tax money goes into your son and those incompetent ministers pockets where they can’t even do anything to protect our rights? Just get it from those FTs instead, I am sure they are more willing to contribute more …
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 25 Thumb down 0
  • true blue sinkies:
    no thanks to the 60.1% daft singaporeans. SIGH.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 0
  • nihon:
    so who is really in charge? clown prince has no power to call the shots even if he disagree with old devil.
    how has the fts created jobs for singaporeans? true blue singaporeans are net losers of the ultra leeberal immigration policy.
    is the low cost model the best way forward?
    lky has always exploited cheap labour, sia pay pilots, air crews n staff 40% below market, so sia make record profits. gomen departments n glc are biggest employers,so they benefit from slave labour. And fake singaporeans will die die vote pigs.
    the labour union ntuc is just a powerless evil. FUCK lky,FUCK papigs.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 46 Thumb down 0
    In his speech he used “increase megabytes to the country otherwise the computer will perform slowly” to describe the importance of inporting foreign talent.

    However i wonder how he can add in more megabytes to the already crammed small computer console box, or he is thinking to use foreign branded motherboard to replace the locally made motherboard ?
    He is just concerned about the performance and output of the computer, thus ignoring the extra heat that generated inside due to over-crammed.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 0
  • Thor:
    You reap what you sow….you dumb 60%……
    From what i gather, most of the poorer singaporeans voted for pap while the middle class and above tend to lean more towards opposition.
    The FT/FW import will affect the poorer singaporeans more.
    Guess they have to learn the hard way.
    Thor Smash
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 34 Thumb down 0
  • Sg. Fucker:
    I wan to fuck pap
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 48 Thumb down 0
  • ah mah:
    using our money to bring up and educate other people child and our own childrens endup going NS and jobless on the street. very sad to have this kind of people as our leaders.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 29 Thumb down 0
    Just remembered not too long ago the government encourage local citizens to go out, experience working overseas explore the outside world,while still remain rooted in SINGAPORE.
    Anyone supporting RETARDED’s thinking please give your vote THANKS.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 32 Thumb down 0
  • 2012:
    The 60.1 draft sinkies
    Do you know what have you done
    you have destroy the future of your children generation.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
  • Anton:
    ‘OUR LIVES BEGIN TO END THE DAY WE BECOME SILENT ABOUT THINGS THAT MATTER’ – martin luther king’s ‘I have a dream speech’.
    Daft Singaporeans wake up! Don’t let the PAPPIES to continue screwing us left right and centre!
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0
  • Anton:
    Daft Singaporeans wake up! The PAPPIES must be destroyed in the next election!
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 0
  • Night Shift:
    CB Old Fart: Old fart and his dogs wont learn nor change, they only think of enhancing their bottomlines. There is no such thing as welfare for Singaporeans. Thanks to 60% of fucking idiots, we’re going to be in deeper shit. This is terrible terrible news.
    Pse spare a thought for our economy. Without foreigners, who will come here invest? Who take our MRT? Who shop our supermarkets?
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

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