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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

NUS Denies Scholarship to Top Local Talent


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NUS Denies Scholarship to Top Local Talent

The recent flood of reports about discrimination against local-born Singaporeans in our tertiary institutes comes as no surprise to me. Local-born Singaporeans are being discriminated at every level from students, to postdoctoral researchers and even to the teaching staff and faculty. Let me add on to this repertoire of reports and include my own personal experience of how a top local talent was denied scholarship and who was replaced with second-rate foreign students.
         Claiming oneself to be a Top Local Talent may be come across as more than arrogant, but I define myself as such in lieu of the sliding standards of the “foreign talent” students in the recent decade

In the 1990s when I was growing up, the foreign students who competed with local Singaporeans deserved the term “foreign talent”.  
They provided a good challenge to keep us on our toes, and their numbers were limited so that only the good ones made it to Singapore. The same cannot be said for the situation today, in the post-2000s era, where a large proportion of foreign students imported into NUS and NTU are sub-standard and mediocre. It is bad enough that our local universities are being flooded with these sub-standard applicants, but to add salt to the wound, our local universities are complicit in promoting the PAP’s agenda of foreigners first and giving out free scholarships like toilet paper. I am a victim of this scheme.
         As a self-proclaimed local talent, I graduated from one of the upper-tier Junior Colleges (but nevertheless a non-elite institution) in Singapore, was valedictorian for my cohort, and scored 7 distinctions in the A-levels if memory serves correctly. My portfolio was competitive enough that I was offered a Public Service Commission (PSC) scholarship that only a handful (like a dozen) is offered every year. However, after much contemplation I rejected their offer because my conscience and moral standards would not allow me to serve the PAP government. Instead, I decided to apply for the bond-free NUS scholarship. It should have been non-issue. 
Despite my impressive portfolio, I was not even offered the “lowest tier” NUS scholarship, which is curious because friends who were just 2 years more senior than me easily got offers despite having a less competitive portfolio. 
Interestingly, the year when I was admitted to NUS was also around the period when the PAP launched their S-Pass system, opening the gate for entry-level skilled foreign workers into the country, thus competing away entry level jobs from Singaporeans and depressing wages, which is the situation we have today. 
The timing of this “joint operation” to screw local-born Singaporeans could not have been more coordinated. Midway through my undergraduate studies, I learnt that NUS expanded their scholarship system and now offers 5 scholarships of varying monetary value (as opposed to 2 when I first applied), undoubtedly throwing more free money to more second-rate foreign students.
         Thanks for the foreigners-first policy of the FAP (oops I mean PAP), and their collaborators in our tertiary institutions like NUS, which despite all their claims as a private institution are still under the influence from MOE, local talents like myself are being marginalized in lieu of second-rate foreign students. 
As a marginalized local talent I went on with my education and self-funded using my parent’s CPF loan. Am I just a sore loser complaining? I will list out some of my achievements and let them speak for themselves.
  • Graduated with First-Class Honors (CAP 4.8 / 5.0), note that only CAP 4.5 is required to first-class honors classification
  • Consecutive Dean’s List placement for every eligible semester
  • Completed University Scholars Program (USP) and received all eligible awards inclusive of – USP Honors Roll, USP Senior Honors Roll and President’s Honour Roll (previously Vice-Chancellor’s List)
  • NUS Student Achievement Award for Community Service
  • Book Prize for Being Top Student in the Department (for Year 2)
What did I get for all this accomplishment? 
About $25,000 worth of student loans to repay and $25,000 of living expenses spent over the 4 years of my undergraduate studies. 

Meanwhile, underachieving and second-rate foreign students are having a “free pass” in NUS. 

Perhaps NUS should come clean and clarify as to the percentage of 
their foreign students on scholarship who can even match the achievements of non-scholarship Singapore-born students like 
         As a marginalized local talent, I am so disgusted with NUS that 
I did not even bother to attend Commencement, as means of 
personal protest against the institution. 

If I had any regrets in life, deciding to study at NUS is probably on
the top of that list. 

To all  young promising Singaporeans out there, I would cross out 
our local universities if I were you.
Top Local Talent
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96 Responses to “NUS Denies Scholarship to Top Local Talent”

  • sigh......:
    Hidden due to low comment ratingClick here to see.
    so.. are you just complaining you didn’t sign the PSC scholarship? lol
    Poorly-rated. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 30 Thumb down 347
  • Ken:
    Blindly chasing after figures is what pap is doing – meaning they ran out of better ideas.
    It’s the efficiency, stupid!
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 214 Thumb down 1
  • haha:
    how many times did your parents vote the PAP? and stay silent when LKY bullied his way to total domination in parliament?
    singaporeans today deserve this treatment because they have been idiotic and foolish enough to allow the PAP to accumulate near absolute power
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 332 Thumb down 7
  • Crow:
    It not only happens to Students, it happens to Singaporean workers when the PAP open the flood gates to bring in cheap labour to depress your wages and rob you of your jobs
    PAP will screw students and working adults and even old folks by making you send them to JB to die!
    They reduce your CPF contribution when you are older, make you jobless by replacing you with cheap foreign workers, have no minimum wage to protect you when you are older, increase the CPF minimum sum and increase the CPF widthdrawal age, and then give you whatever payout amount when you are due to receive your CPF in bits and pieces
    This is the first world PAP government that ROBS you of millions and sells your country to foreigners after we built it to what it is today!
    NS for Singaporeans, jobs and money for foreigners!
    Well done PAP! as they say what goes around comes around! Karma!
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 322 Thumb down 7
  • Bartholomew:
    I was shocked when I entered the then NTI (now NTU) and my classmates consisted of many foreigners. Some of them told me that their first choice was Unis in the States, UK or Australia but they could not get in or it was too expensive. Many of these classmates were not on schorlarships but they were happy that cost of education here is subsidised by the gahmen. Many of these students graduated without honours and some of them dropped out as they could not clear the exams. Almost all top honours were won by Singaporeans especially those from the Polytechnics.

    Moral of the story? Many valuable places in our Unis are given to mediocre students who dropped out or did not do well. These limited places could have gone to our Poly students instead.
    Fyi – an Indonesian classmate of mine who need not serve NS went to a prestigious University in the USA and he sheepishly admitted to me “It is so much easier to study in the USA when compared to the rigours of the Polytechnic in Singapore”. That shows that more of our Poly students should be admitted to local Universitys.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 304 Thumb down 3
  • SC:
    Would be interest to hear what NUS / PAPies have to say or will they follow TPL “I don’t know what to say”. I bet it’s the latter
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 139 Thumb down 2
  • aladdin:
    Prof Chua Beng Huat once told me its a waste of time to apply to NUS to read my Phd as it is not possible to be hired by NUS with a local degree

    On top of that, I was also interested to write my thesis on Singapore and was told that it has no academic research value.
    The questions is: If Singaporeans do not conduct research and publish articles about Singapore, who the hell will have better rights to do that?
    VOte TOny Tan out for his flawed Pro-Foreign Students and lecturers policies.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 296 Thumb down 4
  • Don't feed the DESPOTS!:
    What can we do? There are traitors’ genes in the past and present PM.
    Vote against them to get in new government.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 150 Thumb down 4
  • Very Angry:
    I’m very angry with PAP, the government & NUS for not taking good care of our younger Singaporean. By all means, kick this government out come GE2016!
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 249 Thumb down 5
  • Tiger:
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 84 Thumb down 1
  • Durian:
    Ouch, that hurts~! Really a thorny but realistic ground issues.
    Looks like you are better off to emigrate and come back as FT.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 113 Thumb down 3
  • True colors:
    “No matter how Noble the Objective of a Gov’t,if it blurs Decency & Kindness,Cheapens Human Life & Breeds ill will & suspicions, it is an “Evil” Government” Unquote :
    -Eric Hoffer ( The Passionate State of Mind ,1954 )
    Those that agree : Kee Chui !
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 90 Thumb down 1
  • Johnny:
    The NUS Dean should come out and publicly apologize. Acknowledge he was an idiot (albeit a highly educated idiot), lacked poor judgement and wrongly discriminated against Singaporean Students. Otherwise, we shall make his political masters pay the price at the elections.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 113 Thumb down 2
  • Titiana Ann Xavier:
    It is obvious that the writer was a victim of a very vindictive government. He was probably headhunted and given the PSC scholarship based on his excellent academic results. His rejection of the scholarship was considered a snub by the authorities. He was punished when his application for bond-free NUS scholarship was rejected. In short, he was fixed.
    PS: There are probably more horror stories of such victimization. It remains only to be revealed.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 201 Thumb down 1
  • Bartholomew:
    Hard truth is that it is a BIG BIG waste and a cardinal sin to deny so many Polytechnic students a place in the local Universities while so many places are given to foreigners. Many of these Polytechnic students did extremely well to clinch first-class honours degree in prestigious Universities overseas. If given the opportunity in local Unis, I am sure they would do well too.
    Look after our sons first as they have sacrificed the best years of their lives in serving NS!
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 153 Thumb down 1
  • AngryNTUEngrStudent:
    Hi NUS student,
    I am the NTU student who wrote the article below. I guess you must be my NUS counterpart. It seems that the situation at NUS is just as bad.
    If I am angry, I think you should be doubly angry. My results are nowhere as good as yours. Yet, mediocre as I am, my results are actually still better than many NTU foreign scholars who got 2nd-lower honors and below. Of course, many of these 2nd-lower and below foreign scholars lost their scholarship before graduation, similar to the case of Widjaja (the NTU student who stabbed his lecturer and committed suicide afterwards)
    Students, out there!! Do you agree with me and “Top Local Talent”? If yes, please share your experiences and let fellow Singaporeans know about the great injustices that have been taking place in our local universities.
    If you disagree, please write in too. Opposing views are ok as long as they are the truth. Whatever our complaints, they can be verified if investigated. Or are the authorities afraid of what they will discover if they start investigating?
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 262 Thumb down 2
  • human:
    @ Top Local Talent
    You will emerge stronger after a not so smooth learning path. Remember not to work for the Gamen and Universities that failed you…
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 108 Thumb down 0
  • Rotten PaPayas:
    The foreigners-first policy of the government has gone too far.
    Not only are the less educated of our countrymen being left by the wayside, even our brainier citizens seem to have been forsaken.
    The only way we can wake and shake them up is to vote in more opposition to put the screws on them.
    Otherwise they will never listen to the cries of the people.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 98 Thumb down 0
  • To Top Local Talent:
    Take my advice, go join the opposition now. I think you will go far… if ever your political party gain the majority and you are a senior member of your party, volunteer to become the Minister of Education and change the system for Singapore :)
    Oh, and pls do Singaporeans a favour, sack all those por lumpar deadwood in NTU/NUS…
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 220 Thumb down 2
  • JoinTheOpposition:
    The opposition welcomes talents, citizens only.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 65 Thumb down 1
  • Conscience:
    I suspect PAP not only don’t want too many Singaporeans to be highly educated but also wants more university places to be given to foreigners instead of Singaporeans. So the quota has to be reduced for Singaporeans. Many of our brilliant Singapore students(not those who are just good at memorising and regurgitating from memory) have been eliminated from this quota. Those who are very good at academic memory, scored very well but are not really smart, got university places. This could be the reason why Singapore universities did not produce any world-class scientist, lawyers, doctors, noble laureates, social activists… because these students are the products of “don’t-ask-why-just-memorise-and-apply” education. This kind of education will always produce followers never leaders.
    Those who did not do “well” in the “A” levels exams, whether first time or repeat, could be brilliant students who were not added to the “selected quota”. Some like the resits have already been excluded from the “selected quota” even before the exams? So parents don’t give up on your son/daughter it may not be their fault.
    Some of these students who were forced to go abroad to study did exceptionally well. Many got scholarships and excel in their field of studies. But alas, many have become citizens of the country that provided them the environment to excel.
    Singapore is loosing more and more of our talents because of our education system. Our policy makers have created an education system that failed Singaporeans.
    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 112 Thumb down 2
  • NUS in perspective: be fore-warned and be fore-armed.:
    NUS is a highly pro-pap politically-charged pap university.
    study the NUS departmental heads carefully, especially some of the very ‘entrenched’ ones, i.e. those who ‘refuse’ to retire or are re-hired again and again after ‘retirement’ on super-scale salaries.
    their ‘jobs’ are very dubious as many are also ‘moon-lighting’ on other ‘jobs’ of the not-so-academic ‘kinds’.
    just remember dr. chee soon juan’s, the ‘marxist’ students’ affairs of the phey yew kok years, and even people from the ‘fajar generation’ and the imprisonment of many student leaders who were framed and jailed in the past.
    given a choice, scholar or not, singaporeans should try to aim for a scholarship overseas and have nothing to do with NUS at all.
    be fore-warned and be fore-armed.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 89 Thumb down 3
  • burongkaka:
    This is the legacy of Presidential Candidate Tony Tan…..some of the many policy mistakes he left behind.
    Do we want him as President?
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 78 Thumb down 2
  • some NUS profs are notoriously well-known singaporean traitors:
    …..and they are mostly from certain departments only.
    check around.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 35 Thumb down 0
  • Lau Ter:
    It is a zero-sum game. If one place is given to a foreigner, than there is one less for the local. It all depends on the PAP policy. The policy since TT was the Education Minister is Foreigner First. The only solution, VOTE THEM OUT.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 60 Thumb down 1
  • DarnPAP:
    This Party is a BIG LET DOWN and will be DISPOSE OF.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 0
  • DarnPAP:
    PAP discrimination of locals disguised as meritocracy will be punished someday.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 50 Thumb
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  • 47 MP:
    You signed off yourselves as Top Local Talent for your article… shouldn’t be among the 60.1%….
    Hope my guess is correct, else we will be in deep shit…..
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 34 Thumb down 0
  • Anna:
    Had a cousin who took the PSC scholarship, studied in Oxford and went on to work for the govt before deciding he had enough of the BS and broke his bond. Right now he lives in Europe and works for a very well-known company as a business strategist. Doesn’t want to come home and I can totally see why… what a place we live in!
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 59 Thumb down 1
  • God save S'pore:
    Dn wori 2016 will come soon with a blink of our eyes, then v show them who v are. The 60% who vote, can u plz wake up ur idea……
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 35 Thumb down 0
  • lool:
    Join NTU! Reserved for poor and stupid Normal Technical Students! Dumping ground for all locals!!! haha it seems that they only accept 40% locals! If you cant even make it there, you are even worse than scum!!!
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 24
  • book of satan:
    Blame the 60 percentile of the native population for their stupidity and loyalty. You people deserve to suffer because of the inferior gene inherited from your slave mentality coolie ancestry.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 2
  • Stalin Lee Hsien Sai:
    I feel for you and agree with you that the foreign students we bring in are mostly CRAP. There is a broader agenda behind this drive to bring in these foreigners – we know what it is, it’s simple demographics.
    We have become a very very sad country.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 31 Thumb down 0
  • Night Shift:
    Sometimes it is hard for NUS also. Quota of scholarship for local students is easy fill up but quota of scholarship for foreign students is normally hard to fill up. Because of this it is common to see foreign students with excellent results but lower than local students given scholarship. To be fair to NUS, is not that NUS discriminate local students, the real reason is because there is 2 entirely & separate scholarship quotas. Local students scholarship quota fully taken up but foreign students scholarship quota only 50% or 70% taken up so NUS must “lower down” requirement & give to students who are excellent but lower than our local students.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 52
  • unhappy:
    i feel for you bro..
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 0
  • Stalin Lee Hsien Sai:
    Night Shift: Sometimes it is hard for NUS also. Quota of scholarship for local students is easy fill up but quota of scholarship for foreign students is normally hard to fill up. Because of this it is common to see foreign students with excellent results but lower than local students given scholarship. To be fair to NUS, is not that NUS discriminate local students, the real reason is because there is 2 entirely & separate scholarship quotas. Local students scholarship quota fully taken up but foreign students scholarship quota only 50% or 70% taken up so NUS must “lower down” requirement & give to students who are excellent but lower than our local students.
    to be ‘fair’ to NUS? Then let me ask a question: WHY must there be a fcuking quota if the entire competitive process for scholarships is meroticratic? Fcuk that! Good = good, lousy = lousy, full stop. We dont need those foreign trash to be sponsored here only to see them not even getting close to the top marks our local students are scoring.
    In fact the situation should be results-based – if locals do very well, they could be given a waiver of their loans. And where does the money come from? It can jolly well come from cutting back on scholarships given to foreign trash who come, mingle amongst themselves, and add NOTHING to the ‘international’ culture on poly or uni campuses!
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 80 Thumb down 1
  • Stalin Lee Hsien Sai:
    haha: how many times did your parents vote the PAP? and stay silent when LKY bullied his way to total domination in parliament?singaporeans today deserve this treatment because they have been idiotic and foolish enough to allow the PAP to accumulate near absolute power
    Precisely. These people should just shuddup and swallow whatever sick shit that comes their way.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 61 Thumb down 2
  • NSman:
    Dear Top Local Talent, they say when you want revenge, waiting for 10 years is also not consider late. Do your best in whatever you do. Achieve something in life, both for yourself and your family. If you are willing, come back to serve as MP, opposition camp of cuz, then make the necessary changes. Demolish those garbage ministers and shred those elitist MPs to pieces, in the literal sense. You will be doing justice to the future generations. But of cuz, that is if you are willing to do that. Not everyone is as qualified as you are.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 51 Thumb down 1
  • 47 MP:
    My guess is 80% most people who have worked in oversea have decided to stay away for good……
    This is strong evident to those who think Singapore is the best place on this planet to live in to rethink…..
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 0
  • Nation of Prostitutes:
    Most unfortunate – bloody PAP has degenerated into a bunch of prostitutes, opening their legs (and those of the citizens of Singapore) to be screwed outright by foreigners. Where did this bloody government find the gall to continue showing their faces unabashedly to the general public, demanding top salary???
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 0
  • 47 MP:
    Most guys in U are above 21 due to NS, and can vote in GE2011 as only TP is walkover…..
    How come so many are FAP supporters……. ????
    They will tell you – look at the total picture……no wonder our U ranking has dropped…….
    Most complain……but their tution fees are paid by their parents…..their pockets are not burnt…..
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 0
  • Achmen:
    I have questions. We curb the numbers of FT studying in Singapore. Giving more scholarships to Singaporeans. Would it be a cycle effect as in with financial support from the gahmen, people then to be complacent? Its always more painful to pay from own pocket and thus it will push us to study harder? Wouldnt it be the same to those singaporeans who are yearning to get the scholarship and at the end of the day having the same fate at these FT that either drop out or got disqualified half way through?
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 14
  • ION:
    they (pap) are coming in many ways and fast,abt 200 prc drive comfort taxi and provided them with gprs system and abt 100 plus prc driving smrt taxi,we had to do something ,,,,
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 0
  • Night Shift:
    Stalin Lee Hsien Sai: to be ‘fair’ to NUS? Then let me ask a question: WHY must there be a fcuking quota if the entire competitive process for scholarships is meroticratic? Fcuk that! Good = good, lousy = lousy, full stop. We dont need those foreign trash to be sponsored here only to see them not even getting close to the top marks our local students are scoring. In fact the situation should be results-based – if locals do very well, they could be given a waiver of their loans. And where does the money come from? It can jolly well come from cutting back on scholarships given to foreign trash who come, mingle amongst themselves, and add NOTHING to the ‘international’ culture on poly or uni campuses!
    You don’t get the point obviously. The whole thing is meritocratic, just that there’re 2 separate groups – 1 group for local students & 1 group for foreign students. In both groups scholarship is given to the top students of that group. It is not like what you’re thinking any tom dick harry foreign student will get scholarship. All foreign students who get scholarship got quite excellent results & are also extensively interview for making sure they got ability complete the course they are given the scholarship. Other factor assessed is whether a foreign student can contribute to NUS multi-culture & diversity culture so that our local students can benefit from this multi-culture & diversity. Education is not about only passing exam, is also about embracing other foreign culture & how to work effectively with people from other country.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 62
  • Perspective:
    Night Shift:
    Sometimes it is hard for NUS also. Quota of scholarship for local students is easy fill up but quota of scholarship for foreign students is normally hard to fill up. Because of this it is common to see foreign students with excellent results but lower than local students given scholarship. To be fair to NUS, is not that NUS discriminate local students, the real reason is because there is 2 entirely & separate scholarship quotas. Local students scholarship quota fully taken up but foreign students scholarship quota only 50% or 70% taken up so NUS must “lower down” requirement & give to students who are excellent but lower than our local students.
    In this two quota system, what percentage of scholarship dollars are given to foreign students as compared with local students? NUS should have given the scholarships to deserving Singaporean students instead of “lower(ing)” the requirements just to fill up the quota. Doing so is like having a “lelong” because there are no takers. Wouldn’t that amount to lowering the standard of the university? To start with, scholarships and subsidies should go to Singaporean students first, not foreign students.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  • frankoold:
    July 18, 2011 at 10:24 pm haha(Quote)
    parents vote the PAP and stay silent when LKY bullied his way to total domination in parliament … allow the PAP to accumulate near absolute power….
    Fully agreed with your comments…
    I was a victim of this manipulated scheme…
    Fark dat blady farken soon to be gone-ded senile and dementia LCB and dat blady farken tancho tony tan who was and is zee prime mover of this quota intake for our aspiring youngs into zee higher learning institutions….
    Please be reminded not to cast your EP vote for dat blady farken liar and hypocrite tancho tt…
    Dat bastard is a foreign trash lover and also a great testicle licker of dat blady farken LCB….
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  • G T Raj:
    NUS please let us know how many foreigners are studying in Singapore by yearly figures over the past ten years? What is their criteria against our locals GCE A Levels as the entry requirements? What is the minimum cut-off points based on grades alone that would allow a Singaporean student entry into NUS? How many Polytechnic graduates under Special Admission Policies were admitted and were they give direct second year entry as done in many IHL much higher in world ranking than NUS and even NTU?
    Figures and justifications please to give ceredence to words! It is the Peoples’ wish to know as part of transparency!
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
  • I feel for you:
    I feel for you. I too applied for the NUS bond-free scholarship and was rejected even before the interview round. I actually scored 4As and 2S paper distinctions for the A levels. Meanwhile, the foreigners who were in my JC class all managed to secure scholarships from NUS/NTU despite faring worse than me at A levels. Some even joined lame CCAs like Library Club, etc. For a local to secure a scholarship, he/she has to be a superhuman, all-rounded Einstein, but for a foreigner, the bar is much lower. This is called DISCRIMINATION. I urge all NUS/NTU graduates to refrain from donating to their alma mater. Why should you donate to a university which is only going to use the money to sponsor incompetent foreigners? Why should you donate to an institution that DISCRIMINATES against people like you and treats you like second-class citizens?
    NUS and NTU, shame on you for letting down our locals. Proper universities in other countries treat their own citizens as their priority, but you prefer to do the opposite.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 0
  • blah:
    GCE O levels 13 out of the 25 top students are foreigners. A levels – look through the names of the top students of RJC, HCJC etc; half are PRC names.
    If NUS and NTU practices meritocracy, most of our scholarships will be given to foreigners. We already have been given special treatment (just like the Malays in Malaysia) to compensate for NS, CPF, etc, etc.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
  • 47 MP:
    Night Shift: You don’t get the point obviously. The whole thing is meritocratic, just that there’re 2 separate groups – 1 group for local students & 1 group for foreign students.
    Meritocracy is for FAP to win the election in 1965 and sustain during the 1st generation leader…….
    Now it demoncracy……not democracy. May it demon-crazy…
    I remember during TT/LKY time, they implemented the 100/20 rule with 20% of the local U intake given to foreigners…..
    They gave the damn excuse saying the 20% did not eat into the local allocation…..same as before…..the new 20% are newly created on top of the full allocation for locals…..not 80/20, but 100/20….
    They think we are stupid….too bad internet is not available then…..
    If Govt can create another new 20% for foreigners, why not increase the intake ofr local by another 20%….more opportunity for Poly grads…….
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
  • 新愚民:
    Prof Chua Beng Huat once told me its a waste of time to apply to NUS to read my Phd as it is not possible to be hired by NUS with a local degree. On top of that, I was also interested to write my thesis on Singapore and was told that it has no academic research value.
    The questions is: If Singaporeans do not conduct research and publish articles about Singapore, who the hell will have better rights to do that?
    VOte TOny Tan out for his flawed Pro-Foreign Students and lecturers policies.
    Hello, what makes you think that your thesis on Singapore has any academic research value? Do you think your research is complete and truthful if real data are not accessible in this opaque country? Whatever research done on Spore is just a superficial study that must show its support on the government. Any critics will not be there for self-censorship or for incomplete true data. Prof Chua Beng Huat said so because he knows that PhDs from local universities are not up to the marks, just like any PhD from third world countries.
    Singaporeans have no right to conduct research and publish articles about Singapore. Only the government owned or approved institutions and individuals can do so simply because all data are top secret under the OSA. This is not a open and transparent society. You can only do research on the success and feel-good topics. Otherwise, your PhD thesis will receive a big F. So, if you really want to do your PhD, go to any western democratic country to do it because you will have full and open access to all the information you need. Your PhD will be a more valuable degree.
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  • Ex-teacher:
    The discrimination starts even in secondary schools where our local students are discriminated against. There are two main types of sponsored scholars in secondary schools – those from ASEAN countries called ASEAN scholars and those from PRC called PRC scholars. Most of them come to Singapore in Secondary 3.
    The amount of resources given to these “scholars” by Singapore’s government are astronomical – fully paid education, fully paid accommodation, fully paid return ticket once a year to go back home for holidays, and monthly allowance. On top of that, these “scholars” are given additional academic help which are not extended to the our local students – weekly English lessons (by external English tutors paid for by the scholarship program) and additional remedial. Teachers, like myself when I was teaching, are expected to given these “scholars” the additional remedial to ensure that they don’t just do well, but do very well.
    At the end of Secondary 4, if they don’t do well, they will go back to their home country (and need not pay back anything to Singapore government). However, given all the help, almost all the “scholars” will proceed to Junior College for another two years, again fully sponsored by Singapore’s government. At the end of their JC 2, if they wish to go back to their home country, they can do so (and again need not pay back anything to Singapore government). Going to university is another whole lot of resources devoted to them.
    Are our local students fairly treated by their own government?
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  • Stalin Lee Hsien Sai:
    Night Shift: You don’t get the point obviously. The whole thing is meritocratic, just that there’re 2 separate groups – 1 group for local students & 1 group for foreign students. In both groups scholarship is given to the top students of that group. It is not like what you’re thinking any tom dick harry foreign student will get scholarship. All foreign students who get scholarship got quite excellent results & are also extensively interview for making sure they got ability complete the course they are given the scholarship. Other factor assessed is whether a foreign student can contribute to NUS multi-culture & diversity culture so that our local students can benefit from this multi-culture & diversity. Education is not about only passing exam, is also about embracing other foreign culture & how to work effectively with people from other country.
    Embrace other culture? Work effectively with people from other countries? Fuck u upside down understand! Ask any NTU or NUS Sporean student about the Indian or PRC student cliques – do they REALLY add to the multiculturalism of the campuses?
    And before u claim I ‘dont get the point’, let me point out your reasoning: you are writing AS IF it is NATURAL and a GIVEN that foreign students should have a quota. You don’t even ask WHY THE FUCK MUST THERE BE A QUOTA FOR THESE STUDENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE?
    Night Shift, I’m suspecting you’re EITHER a foreigner, OR you’re a brain-washed Fapaya-supporter. Fortunately, it seems like readers here are not following your logic! My advice to you, THINK before you use your pea brain to reason. Ask the right questions, dont just take whatever Fapaya has implemented as given – they are NOT.
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  • Stalin Lee Hsien Sai:
    Achmen: I have questions. We curb the numbers of FT studying in Singapore. Giving more scholarships to Singaporeans. Would it be a cycle effect as in with financial support from the gahmen, people then to be complacent? Its always more painful to pay from own pocket and thus it will push us to study harder? Wouldnt it be the same to those singaporeans who are yearning to get the scholarship and at the end of the day having the same fate at these FT that either drop out or got disqualified half way through?
    Lan jiao logic lah. There could always be a carrot and stick approach just FOR Singaporeans. Eg if someone dont get honors, they must pay back 50% of the fees. Whatever it is, the playing field must be broadened only FOR Singaporeans. After that, perhaps we reserve 20% for FULL PAYING foreigners.
    Now, the question here will then become: will foreigners want to pay FULL FEES to study in ‘world class’ institutions like NTU and NUS? If not, the root of the problem should be WHY. It’s not to put up a show, pay for foreigners to come and then PRETEND we are SOOOOOOOO world class. This is lan jiao reasoning of lowlives like Chao Chun Sing and Tin PUI Ling.
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  • 新愚民:
    NUS in perspective: be fore-warned and be fore-armed (July 18, 2011 at 11:40 pm),
    Agreed with you, my fellow Singaporeans.
    I heard of a story that a good professor in one institution was victimised by a group of the institution’s management. The top management tolerated and in fact biased towards the group. After the professor left, the group employed a foreigner to take over. All researches led by the victimized professor came to a complete stop and the new foreigner professor cannot teach. The top management just ignored all these issues. The group also denied this victimised professor to take part in anything organized by the group. This aimed to isolate this victimized professor. Later, the group set up a research centre and appointed a teaching-track staff (a bootlicker) to head the centre. Do you think a teaching-track staff can lead the research centre? It is really a joke.
    Closely examined, you would find that the group head is a PAP member and most in the group are either PAP members or pro-PAP or its bootlickers. This is what happen there. So, think carefully, do you want to do your PhD there? If I were you, I will do it in any western university that even has a lower ranking than that self-proclaimed local university. After all, this ranking that they used is rubbish. Go and look at the ranking done by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Judge for yourself.
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  • cho bo lang:
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  • Cheep:
    You seem to think education is one big competitive game where the “smartest” one gets all the money. Maybe in time you might learn to judge your education on growth in personal, moral and cultural areas and not just your bank balance.
    Regarding the scholarship you turned down, it’s obvious from your writing the authorities made a good choice, given the shallow, selfish charact revealed by your letter. Government scholarships should be for deserving students who are willing to serve their country and meet the terms of the agreement signed.
    Stop whining and go out to the real world and succeed to the degree your claimed grades suggest you could.
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  • Wait Till U C:
    Wait till u c the Foreign Trash do not come to work yet while not applying leave.
    Wait till u c how the senior management bad mouth their own local.
    Wait till u c the result NUS produces over the years after spending nearly 900 millions yearly.
    Wait till u start to question why tuition fees keep on going up and lots of staff in NUS are
    immigrants. Seating there doing NOTHING but collecting handsome salary.
    Wait till u c, how money in NUS are spurge without careful consideration.
    Now u will know why NUS produces nothing great. But for sure one thing, IT owns lots of PROPERTIES
    in Singapore.
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  • john tan:
    Some people just refuse to embrace foreign culture or make any attempt to mingle with them. Neither do they want to find out the truth behind the real foreign student policy in nus, because if they knew better, it is definitely not foreigner first. The ration is like 1 foreigner to 5 singaporeans. If it’s foreigner first, it will be 5 foreigners to 1 singaporean!
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  • The Taker:
    July 18, 2011 at 10:19 pm sigh……(Quote)
    so.. are you just complaining you didn’t sign the PSC scholarship? lol
    Lucky for him for not signing up for the scholarship. Or else his souls will be directed to Hell like the rest for burning & suffering.
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  • Duh:
    July 18, 2011 at 10:27 pm (Quote)
    Prof Chua Beng Huat once told me its a waste of time to apply to NUS to read my Phd as it is not possible to be hired by NUS with a local degree.
    He advised you correctly bcos NUS does not employ its own PhD graduates. US/UK universities can do this bcos they have many domestic unis to employ their graduates but PAP, as usual, blindly adopt policies in foreign countries without considering the CONTEXT, as always.
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  • sheep:
    @Night Shift
    I partially agree with your view with one proviso: Of the total number of scholarships available each year, the portion going to foreign students should form only a small percentage, maybe 10% to 15%. The rest should go to local students.
    As citizens of this country, Singaporeans should have priority.
    Any statistics available from NUS to clear this point?
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  • Oh Shit:
    @Night Shift
    Actually it is you, Night Shift, who does not get the point. If the purpose of giving scholarships to foreign students is to help the country that they came from then it should not be at the expense of local students. If it is to lift the academic standards of local students, then you should only give scholarships to real top students who will give the local top students a run for their money.
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  • devil:
    No. We are a competitive people. Besides, there is no reason that FT are not just as complacent. Look at how many lose their scholarships along the way. Why are we always so hard on ourselves but so lax with others?
    @Night Shift
    Malaysian universities have a quota system based on race. In both groups only the top students of that group gets to go in first. Nobody calls it meritocratic. Multi-culture and diversity is very good and important for university. To have that, there will be some sacrifice on meritocracy due to quotas. But having almost every foreigner coming from one or two places is hardly diversity or multi-culture.
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  • Emeritus Parameswara:
    Idiocy reigns since local top talents can be by passed.
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  • No Guts:
    Top local Student, study hard and come back to Singapore and join WP like CSM, bring the PAP down. We need people like you, don’t worry, you have the qualification, you won’t die, forget about the support from PAP.
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  • S:
    TR moderators stop censoring me.
    GCE O levels- 13 out of the top 24 scholars are foreigners. A levels – most of the top scorers from HCKC, RJC have PRC names.
    If our universities promote meritocracy, most scholars would be foreigners. To protect our citizens, we implemented citizen and foreigner scholarships. The current system is tilted heavily in our favor already.
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  • eaglefly:
    Very Angry:
    July 18, 2011 at 10:33 pm Very Angry(Quote)
    I’m very angry with PAP, the government & NUS for not taking good care of our younger Singaporean. By all means, kick this government out come GE2016!
    WHAT TO SAY,,,,,,,,,,,ONLY 40% LISTEN………..THE POOR ONES…..
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  • BillyMa:
    That’s why singaporeans know that ‘if we have the PAP in governemnt, we don’t need outside enemies to destroy this country’.
    lky claimed he is the one who build this country to what it is today, he may want to also claim that he & his son are responsible for the fall of singapore to the foreigners.
    You & those who’re enjoying your ill-gotten monies will get your due retributions soon.
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  • Sometimes it is hard for NUS also. Quota of scholarship for local students is easy fill up but quota of scholarship for foreign students is normally hard to fill up. Because of this it is common to see foreign students with excellent results but lower than local students given scholarship. To be fair to NUS, is not that NUS discriminate local students, the real reason is because there is 2 entirely & separate scholarship quotas. Local students scholarship quota fully taken up but foreign students scholarship quota only 50% or 70% taken up so NUS must “lower down” requirement & give to students who are excellent but lower than our local students.
    This is wrong. Quality must always be maintained, no matter what. If you can’t get enough good foreign students, then so be it. One shouldn’t lower the standards just so that the quota of FT can be met.
    Also, if quota for FT cannot be met, it should be transferred to our locals. Obviously, there are more qualified locals than FTs. Then meet that demand.
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  • chinguan:
    Somehow!!!! As a simple questions and become complex.
    Unity and kick an “EVIL PAP” out of the parliament. once the PAP is out then S’porean will able to see the rainbow, together with your family or lover and fresh breath of democracy.
    S’porean don’t expect what the EVIL PAP can do for you, Better consider what you can do for you nation. S’pore is belong to S’porean is not belong to the EVIL. Revolution!!! and liberation S’pore
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  • chinguan:
    “”"”"”absolutely agreet!!!!!Support”"”"”"”
    Show some color back to the EVIL PAP….How to get in contact?
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  • SY:
    Sad but true! my two children got rejected by NUS. Reason given was “do not qualify” when in actual fact there were other reasons. Both got into a university ranked better than NUS – one into the law faculty and one into the English Lit faculty. Both have graduated with honours. It was expensive and very difficult but I am pleased that I managed not to deny them the education though our very own tertiary institution did so!
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  • yeoman:
    well,you can be top talent material for the OPPOSITION.
    why not consider to join an oppo party and vindicate yourself and also stand up for lesser singaporeans at the same time.
    surely,the oppo and singaporeans would ebenfit much from your abilities.
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  • Well Said:
    To the writer, very good. If all the bright talent went to private sector, then PAP government will be weakened. Don’t serve the Leegime, it’s not worth it.
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    GREAT SINGAPORE SALES – even NTU, NUS , SMU also invaded by sub standard, non elite aliens from mars. these local PAP universities become COMMERCIALIZE, to manufacture ALIENS POLITICALLY for FAP. thus, give them free PR & free CITIZENSHIP. PAP motive – to WHITE wash to strengthen to empower them into parliament
    POLITICALLY speaking, all your children had been conveniently rejected NOT because of POOR results, but due to their hidden AGENDA.
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  • chinguan:
    @Night Shift: You don’t get the point obviously. The whole thing is meritocratic, just that there’re 2 separate groups – 1 group for local students & 1 group for foreign students.
    We want two groups all for the local students!!! LKY may have the option on groups 3.Ask him to support the foreign students with his own multimillion salary lor.
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    WAT U MEAN BY .How to get in contact?
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  • NS:
    NS got use?
    Serve NS for what?
    Trash are making money while u have to Yes Sir Yes Sir.
    Get me back to Reservist. U will see THE NO FROM ME.
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  • qhuyw:
    It is true that it is almost impossible to get a teaching position with NUS, with postgrad qualifications from Singapore. They also do not let you pursue postgrad in NUS if you did your undergrad there. This is based on the assumption that most universities have that getting people from diverse institutional backgrounds is good. However in Singapore it is applied on a national level, ie getting locally trained academics is bad no matter which locally trained institution they came from. For any potential career-academics out there please keep this in mind… you WILL HAVE TO factor in the cost of some years overseas, unless you manage to get an overseas scholarship. You almost certainly CANNOT complete all your studies here and get a job here as well.
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  • PAP:
    HardTruth : PAP give $50,000 (thanks to taxpayers) to foreign students from PRC and India to study Polytechnic. After completing their poly, PAP allow them to stay on 3 years in Singapore, help them to find jobs, gain experience, which they are just too glad to accept. Along the way, PR givens, family cumming in.
    All thanks to the daft sinkies, while my cpf got robbed in broad daylight.
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  • Expert:
    I still don’t understand why they are still voted in
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  • FanaticD:
    this is a scam and conspiracy to phase out singaporeans and to bring in others to replace. Singaporean will eventually be split into 2 groups which are the elites and slaves. the 99% of the singaporeans will is fated to be servants of the elites which includes the FTs. soon, we will be servants and maids to the FTs and PAP empire.
    the first way is to ensure that people are not able to be well educated so that this will be an excuse to bring in more “talented” people. next is to get these talented people into the government and let them run the country. with these representatives inside, they will attract more of their kind to come and setup shop to run down the locals. with people less educated, they will be defenseless to defend against the rich and powerful through the judicial system.
    we will all end up doing lower level blue or white collar jobs sooner or later while the better paid ones are offer to “talents”
    this is the government that the 60% wanted. i bet that in 5 years time, they will be rushing to convert 1m FTs so that they have enough votes in the next GE.
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  • Indignant:
    Aside from the NUS and NTU, heard from that there are overgrown boys from rural parts of China who are linked to gangs in villages. They are currently studying in our primary schools and later our secondary schools. Question: Why do the immigration/MOM and authorities like MOE allow such students to study in Singapore and create societal problems for Singapore?
    PAP is really sleepingZZZzzzzzzzz………….
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  • NUS grad:
    only singaporeans are eligible for the 5 NUS scholarships mentioned. the writer didn’t lose out to any foreigners, she lost out cos she wasn’t good enough. too bad good grades don’t make up for bad character.
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  • eaglefly:
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  • beenthereseenit:
    There is a very real reason why the PAP sidelines real top Singaporean talents. They have enough “talents” in their sons and daugthers and they don’t want these Singaporeans to compete with their own. They want to trap local talents in their circle. These talents will then serve them and their children. If these local talents want refuse to enter the “circle”, PAP makes sure they don’t have it easy in Singapore. PAP’s mantra, join us or bugger off. PAP doesn’t want competition!
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  • Brian:
    I remember a friend of mine bitterly complained about
    a first class honours student from NUS who did not know
    how to use a digital multimeter to measure current. That
    lad has already graduated from a top JC and he is a FT.
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  • tax heaven:
    Singaporean Universities will never be world class from the way they are administered.
    Firstly, their Alumni have nothing but bad experiences to share upon graduation. It is obvious they would minimize their contributions to their alma mater in the future.
    Secondly, their foreign student policies do not attract the best. Hence there will be no one of significance to any society from this batch. If anything, they will set the stage for everybody to compare and know the inferior quality of the local universities they graduated from.
    Thirdly, the administrators and lecturers are roundly despised by most who have contacts with them. This hardly inspire confidence or trust in the Universities.
    Fourthly, S’pore’s elite do not send their kids to these local universities, which speaks volumes about what they actually think of these institutions. Just like many kids of the ruling PAP cadres who study overseas and do not return to S’pore demonstrate what they think of their parents’ performances in this country.
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  • tbfair:
    Scholar? Grades are not everything. Simply because you made the cut doesn’t mean you deserve the scholarship. I am certain there are those who has had better grades and not receive it. sigh, academics academics academics – Scholar? what scholar.
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    I share your pain. And disgust of PAP. Hope you are doing well. That’s all. Feel sad to read this.
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  • E=MC2:
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  • ah beng, ah seng, ali and minah and rajoo:
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