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Monday, 18 July 2011

Philip Yeo, why pick on SG bond-breakers but dare not touch FT ones?

Philip Yeo, why pick on SG bond-breakers but dare not touch FT ones?

Even when it comes to bond-breaking, Singaporeans get discriminated compared to foreigners

When Singaporeans break bonds, they honorably paid back for breaking the bond. For that, they got named and shamed publicly by Philip Yeo.
Mr Philip Yeo, if you are so righteous, let me direct your attention to an even greater injustice. 

Foreign students, after getting free education and paid allowance for studying in NTU and NUS, have returned to China without even serving out the lenient 3-year bond to work in Singapore. 

These foreign students broke their lenient bonds and go scot-free without the government breathing a word about such injustice while Singaporean bond-breakers who paid back the government for breaking the bond got named and shamed by Philip Yeo. Philip Yeo, where are you when we need your righteous moral fire towards the foreign bond-breakers?
Unlike the honorable Singaporeans who honored their contract by paying back for breaking the bond, these foreigners went back home without paying back a single cent. 

Philip Yeo, why do you keep picking on your own people? Who committed the greater crime? Who is more immoral? Come on, be our hero. If you want to punish bond-breakers, punish the foreigners as well instead of just picking on our own people who actually paid back for breaking the bond.
Stop WHINING about the Singaporean bond-breakers and turning a blind eye to the foreign bond-breakers who denied much much more Singaporeans their rightful place in the local universities. 

Dare not WHINE about foreigners because you dare not make your political bosses like Tony Tan look bad?
Discrimination again against Singaporean bond-breakers
* This comment was first posted on the thread ‘Philip Yeo: My greatest fear now is that the Government is terrified of the people’ (

39 Responses to “Philip Yeo, why pick on SG bond-breakers but dare not touch FT ones?”

  • Crystal Ball:
    All our leaders and people in power should stop whining like ladies.
    Maybe most of them wear the apron at home i suppose. I wondeer if any of these idiots had ever fought 1-2-1 like a man.
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  • Bartholomew:
    As I recounted before, a daughter of a foreign colleague of mine studied in RGS and thereafter in RJC all underr tax-payers account. 

    She was offered to continue her studies in NUS but she wanted to study in a prestigious overseas University. The government acceded on condition of bond. The father rejected the offer. They went back to their country and she obtained another scholarship and happily did her studies in Stuggart, Germany. No more contact with Singapore.
    Moral of this true story? The government takes our money to look after foreigners instead of our true sons and daughters of Singapore. Our sons have to sacrifice the best 2 years of their lives for NS at the expense of foreigners. Is this how a government should trea its own citizens?
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  • Balls carrier Philip Yeo:
    Shame on him. Only know how to bully local scholars.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
  • Bartholomew:
    Btw – Philip Yeo is renowned for his arrogance.
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  • ali alatas:
    he is a traitor to singaporeans like any pap crony, period.
    a great shame to his family and his north american alumni.
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  • MarBowling:
    This Yeo Lam Pah guy is a double-headed snake..

    Alto a small sized fellow he carried a sledgehammer(remember his mentor carried a hatchet)to whack the daylight out of those who dont follow his orders. Plus the ‘invincible sword’ bestowed by his mentor he walks around all over the shop like a crab.
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  • 闪电大侠:
    This is our policy.
    Fang zhang xian,diao da yu.
    Do not give up the policy just because of this few people.
    We can spend this sort of small money.
    We may gain more than what we lost.
    We will support all your decisions no matter what.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 9
  • We're Singaporeans:
    I am terribly sick and tired of these so called elite civil servants! They behave totally like chief eunuchs talking down on Singaporeans and yet praised by the PAP Ministers for a job well down!
    Why do these elite civil servants don’t understand what is “fairness”?
    Why are they looking after their own selfish interests and putting Singaporeans aside? Don’t they know they are civil servants paid for by the tax payers money and not out of their bosses pockets? Have they forgotten their first duty is to serve repeat serve the people and not masters repeat masters of the people? Are they so spoil and become completely arrogant and snobbish?
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 0
  • Lousy Singaporean:
    Becos Singaporean more easy to bully.
    Singapore no guts, no balls.
    Singapore have cucumber struck in the mouth.
    singaporean are chicken.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4
  • Lousy Singaporean:
    Is he a traitor?
    Is he trying to sow discord among true Singaporean?
    Is he betraying our beloved country to neighbours?
    eg. If he has a China woman who is good in bed and can squezze his stick hard and dry. He will keep quiet about his affair and always find faults with his wife to file for divorce.
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  • My2Cents:
    I don’t like idiotic fool, he is pure rubbish in a clean bag.
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  • Titiana Ann Xavier:
    Singaporeans are law abiding and when they break their bonds, they will pay the penalty without kicking up a fuss. But this Shylock still demanded his pound of flesh and shamed them publicly. 

    When he was chastised by MP Chng Hee Kok for his lack of compassion, he rudely told the MP to resign.
    PS: Foreigners who broke the bond knew that Philip Yeo was just a paper tiger. They were aware that he could only bully his own people but would be helpless against them.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 0
  • Utterly Disappointed:
    Why is govt sending scholars to universities overseas? Are you telling Sporeans that local universities are not as reputable as foreign universities? If not, then please stop wasting money sending those scholars overseas. Send them to cheaper alternatives at home if what you claimed about your local university’s ranking are the truth.
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  • nihon:
    one law for pigs, cronies, n forein pets
    one law for lesser mortals
    he dare not shame them cos they are untouchables with their china mafia godfathers backing them, pigs only small time mafia hoodlums; bully the good but scared of the devil -欺善怕恶. cowards!!
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  • dicksonpoon:
    Bo Lam Par la.
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  • It’s the same reason y 6 ppl is considered illegal assembly but FTs can picnic all over spore.
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  • Politika:
    Why must we kowtow to these Ah Tiongs as if we owe them a living.
    Lenient court sentences, breaking bonds without penalty, illegal hawking without licences, etc.
    Knn is China GOD?
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  • This is true.:
    I work in the electronics industry. It is indeed true that there are PRC engineers who went home to China because of brighter opportunities there. It is hard for the government to track them down. PRC colleagues who told me this is what happened after the tech bust in 2000.
    I am sure people working in the electronics industry can confirm this.
    How about other industries? Can other people share what they know?
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  • Philip Yeo - Please Resign:
    Philip Yeo,
    You are of no use to Singapore. You have betrayed true blue Singaporeans. Please Resign with immediate effect.
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  • Angry Bird:
    C’mon man! The word “T R A I T O R” is written all over his face and you’re talking to him about righteousness?
    Just give him a MIDDLE FINGER!
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  • Tells you what Philip Yeo thinks of local varsities:
    PY does not “make noise” when FT break their bond after studying with scholarship at NUS or NTU because he looks down on the local varsities. He thinks the FT scholars have wasted enough time studying in NUS or NTU.
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  • Conscience:
    Pro-foreigners Action Party. Fine and punish Singaporeans to set a deterrent for littering, jay walking, abuse/assault, break bonds, awol,… but foreigners get away scot-free. Singaporeans are so sick of our govt, policy makers, govt officials and ministers who add insult to injury of Singaporeans. Do these policy makers have any conscience or shame? Why are they so afraid of foreigners? By having a lenient standard for foreigners, these policy makers are not only insulting Singaporeans but also insulting and degrading themselves and their families to second-class citizens or worse. Or maybe they choose to be blind or they feel and think like foreigners and not Singaporeans? How sick and shameless.
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 32 Thumb down 0
  • Think of the number of Singaporeans who were denied places by these foreign students:
    So, now we not only have foreign students who got free education and paid allowances, they did not even serve out the 3-year lenient bond of working in any Singaporean company upon graduation.
    Think about the number of Singaporeans who were denied places in the university because of these foreign ingrates and parasites!! But, come to think about it, you cannot blame the students. You blame the people who devised the open-legs-wide-wide policy for foreigners to take advantage. If you are a foreigner, would you not take advantage of our government’s stupidity?
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 0
  • tax heaven:
    Please tell us clearly if your son was granted exceptional treatment so that he is perceived to have served his bond in the U.S.
    As bond breakers go, this is certainly the worst, given his father’s involvement.
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  • DumBaSS:
    As Chairman of Ascendas India Trust, why don’t you relocate to Mumbai and stay there permanently.
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  • singa pura:
    Why are you guys so predictably anti-Singaporean?
    After all the apologies to win votes,there is still no real change!
    Looks like you will only change when the people change the government!
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  • quando quando quando:
    Of late, more and more skeletons are
    falling out of the closets.
    Will the prime minister take the stand
    and explain to the people,how, when and what
    action/s will be institured, to better the lives
    of the true Singaporeans!
    Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
  • Throwing shoes:
    I bet his children migrated to western countries ant never contribute to Singapore economically, just like any other elities such as goh chok tong’s family migrated to canada.
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  • Don't blame Philip Yeo. Almost all civil servants behave like him:
    Please do not blame Philip Yeo. It is only human nature you bully the weak but suck up to the strong. Almost every civil servant and PAP MP are like that. They would act like a strong-man to the Singapore people but to their political PAP masters, they become timid yes-men.
    PAP elites like to say that they are strong-men who do not succumb to populist pressure from the people. In fact, they are cowards. Their PAP political masters determines their salaries and bonuses whereas the Singaporean people don’t. PAP MPs think that they can always cheat their way into Parliament through the GRC system even if they are unpopular.
    In Singapore, it takes brave men like Tan Cheng Bock, Tan Kin Lian, Tan Jee Say to speak their minds on things which will displease their political masters. I cannot say the same thing for Tony Tan.
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  • Jane Lai:
    A very insightful article. As long as MSM dont run columns like this, people will turn to the social media for other perspectives and folk like Philip Yeo will not be forced to rethink their position.
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  • Charles 2010:
    Philip Yeo or George Yeo or Tony Tan all the same – members of PAP to mislead Singaporean Voters by pretending to stand on the high moral ground. Slowly, the karma begins to hound on them on their families. They will pay for the injustice caused to innocent Singaporeans.
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  • new:
    great article.
    I know of one FT scholarship bond breaker from Oxford.
    She is paying the bond off one month a time.
    Singaporeans bond breakers have to pay off one shot.
    From A star also.
    PY is an asshole. double standard ass hole.
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  • not gut bastard:
    Philip Y PRC chinese cock are bigger and u scare of them. That why u become a traitor killing the Singaporean.
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  • Singaporean living in China:
    A good comment from a Singaporean living in China.
    I am a Singaporean staying in PRC for a couple of years now. I read Singapore news daily as I would like to return to Singapore one day. But I feel quite disappointed at the way things are going.
    In China, never had we as foreigners here get benefit from the Chinese government for education, housing and medical treatment. As foreigners, we are charged a bomb for all these. Foreigners are viewed as people whom they can try to earn big bucks. Foreigners are here to provide jobs for them directly and indirectly. How many foreigners can get a scholarship from their government to study at their Qing Hua University ? However, I do not blame the government of China because they know their roles well.
    But in Singapore, it is quite different. Keep increasing fees for our tertiary institutions and keep giving scholarships away to foreigners. Keep getting foreigners into our country and then when they feel they may loose votes from unhappy citizens then they start to lift their fingers to do something. But in the first place, while can’t they have the interest of the Singaporeans at heart ? Being highly paid and highly intelligent, can’t they pre-empt such a scenario ? It is a zero sum game. For every foreigner we get into our university, we are depriving of a Singaporean of the place. If that Singaporean is not well to do and unable to send their children overseas, then he will have to settle for less. If these foreigners are paying for their education, then well I have nothing say. It is a fair competition. But some of these are given scholarship. So they are using taxpayers money to sponsor them to deprive some of our own people, who needs to pay, of a place in the university. It sounds absurb to me.
    Looks like our government has really forgotten who they are voted to serve.
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  • Ken:
    Maybe if the FT scholars complain to their own govt, their embassies come and apply pressure our politicians dont know how to react, cos all being yes-men for too long.
    They should learn a thing or two how Taiwanese stand up to China or N.Korea to US.
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  • F U Yeo:
    Phillip Y. Look at how the public Uni award scholarship to trash that DO NOT COME to work but still collecting good salary when working in the IHLs.
    Vivi@n, told us these trashes are here to create more jobs. How they create jobs by shaking legs and spending lots of PUBLIC MONEY without blinking their eyes.
    Where IS TO ROI?!!! Where is IT? Where are the results!! Any??
    Beside increasing cost of LIVING at all time high. What have you fellows achieved? Any? NOTHING. NOTHING!! Nothing at all.
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  • Retiree:
    Cantonese (KK borned) saying….
    “Eat inside, Climb Outside”
    “Eat from top of bowl, played the bottom of same bowl”
    Is this Yeo guy a CIVIL SERVANTS….he is paid by TAXPAYERS and NOT PAP. Same goes with the JUDGES too.
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  • burongkaka:
    There is a simple explanation why P Yeo takes a harsh attitude towards Singaporean bond holders and NOT the foreign bond breakers.
    When these foreign “scholars” return to their countries, they may one day bite the country , Singapore, that gave them the opportunity….especially when they succeed in political office.
    Try doing the shaming to a foreign scholar whose parents hold an influential positiosn back home? P Yeo is just playing politics.
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  • SadSingapore:
    I used to work in one of research centers. PRCs come in easily.
    Enjoy good pay and do basically nothing.
    Locals are hard pressed to deliver. Why slog? Better off selling cars or selling house as sales men.
    Singapore government has NO TERM interests for locals.
    Bleed the citizens to death PAYING THEIR SKY HIGH INCOME.
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