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Saturday, 23 July 2011

Richard Dawkins interviewing a Muslim guy


Richard Dawkins interviewing a Muslim guy

 21 videos 

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  • @SuperDesidude Nice super, spoken with true ignorance. All religions have fundamentalists, not just Islam.
  • this guy sounds jealous of americans and our bouncing women
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All Comments (6,195)

  • you people are ignorant ,when he says" what about the 417 villages that have been destroyed in the arab world" he was showing that arabs have been killed as well,just like 3000 ppl in 9/11,he doesn't mean that we muslims should go aroundbombing ppl back in return,he's justshowing that there was a reason,geez this manwas a "jew",im sure there's something this guy knows, and btw if a christianman talked like this u guys wouldnt react dis way, and btw he is an american so he knows what hes saying
  • The immorality and nudity you're talking about are relative concepts. The "decent and good behaviour", most likely if thought the islamic way (or religious altogether), would include denying parts of one's identity and acting against certain things that normal for human nature and aren't harmful if religious thinking is excluded.
  • A Jewish convert to Islam!! That's is just plain stupid, does this idiot know that the islam has a deep hatred towards Jews?
  • @SuperDesidude lol no
  • Wow. Powerful stuff. I'm just glad that Dawkins got out of that neighborhood alive. Truly sad state of affairs.
    America has it's Christian nut-jobs, but they can't hold a candle to that muslim but-wipe!
  • @cycophile hahahahahaahahh agreeed 100% hes just jealous of the freedom of expression in western societies.
    they are represssed like shit. repression and close mentality like that generates more perversion than anything good.
    woman have the right to dress like they want, no one is above them to dictate their habits . these guys are so archaic and from the ancient times.
  • kill all these Muslims and we all can live in peace.

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