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Friday, 29 July 2011

Octopus couples get touchy-feely in public

Jul 27, 2011

Octopus couples get touchy-feely in public

WITH arms and legs entwined, snaking around each other like tentacles, these couples are too caught up in their private moments of passion that they are oblivious to embarrassed glances from members of public.
'Octopus couples', as they have been termed by STOMPers frustrated by their unabashed amorous antics, have been spotted in buses, trains, void decks and even shopping centres in all manner of compromising positions.
Such sights are common these days with positions escalating to 'koala hugging'- another term coined by STOMPers to describe a position where usually a girl sits facing her partner, straddling him.
'If couples do this in public, the youth will follow as well,' said Govinda Raju, a senior technician who is a parent to two teenagers.
Despite being modern and liberal, 20-year-old NSF Siddiq Poh said that he felt 'Singapore is an Asian society that is still not ready for such things', and he himself 'would feel awkward' if he saw such intimate scenes in public.
His female friends, polytechnic students Seet Yu Ai and Rennie Peen added that a particular STOMP contribution where a male was holding onto his girlfriend's chest on the bus was 'not loving, but obscene.'
They also managed to come up with other comical names for some of the dubious positions people have been caught in. Watch RazorTV for more.

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